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[deleted] OP t1_j7tq4tu wrote



VolcanoRaver t1_j7trgso wrote

It's likely the burrito comment. I shared pictures of burritos and tucked in was the picture.

I can honestly see people bringing Mexican food into the office. πŸ˜‚


OkVolume1 t1_j7tw8xv wrote

I think you're OK. 60% is a little over half but not passing.


VolcanoRaver t1_j7u41ah wrote

It's my girlfriends favourite picture so it's flattering at least πŸ˜‚.


BanderaHumana t1_j7tq1y4 wrote

At that point might as well just own it. Be like yeah oops my gf loves that one and leave it at that


VolcanoRaver t1_j7trehy wrote

That was my plan initially. Good advice.

I haven't stopped laughing about it. At first I was panicked. Now I'm more apprehensive about the next couple weeks and the chat, rather than some people seeing my junk.


BanderaHumana t1_j7ts1au wrote

I think it would only be embarrassing if you let it. If you take a picture of your junk you might as well be okay that other people might see it (like this instance lol)

Most people have taken nude/dick pics at some point. Own it😎


VolcanoRaver t1_j7u43xk wrote

My girlfriend is buying me a burrito t-shirt to wear on my office casual day. πŸ˜‚

Embrace the suck.


Mode-Klutzy t1_j7txdpk wrote

Euhg what is it with uptight unrelating bosses (and potential coworkers)?!
