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TheRealDynamitri t1_ja5gj6l wrote

lmao, no.

Stop bringing disgrace to our people with comments like this, I’m actually embarrassed and don’t even want to be seen as sharing ancestry with you.

Thankfully opinions like yours are in a minority, and constitute just irrelevant rambling of our-of-touch folks. Old man yelling at cloud, etc etc.


SamScoopCooper t1_ja5h2a6 wrote

Two Jews, three opinions. You don't get to speak for the entirety of the Jewish people. Neither do I. That's why I said "a lot of Jewish people" not all.


TheRealDynamitri t1_ja5hg8l wrote

Well there’s Matt Stone and I (that’s 2), and there’s you (0.5).

2 is more than 0.5, so, yeah, we’re in the majority and you’re not.

What now.


SamScoopCooper t1_ja5i3za wrote

That’s not a statistically significant enough sample for me. And I no longer feel like dealing with someone who has no interest in good faith criticism