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nullrecord t1_ja527c3 wrote

This is your relationship.

Aaaaand it's gone.


Sugreev2001 t1_ja57365 wrote

And here I thought I was gonna read about someone's girlfriend getting pissed off because she doesn't like South Park. On the off chance this is real, OP is one dense dude.


rrickitickitavi t1_ja53kf9 wrote

South Park is a big part of your identity? There's your problem right there. Get a life dude.


No-Junket-1659 t1_ja53joo wrote

I dont even know what to say. Just wow.

From ALL the possible cartoon characters you (a 26 year old dude with an (ex)Girlfriend) decided to take Eric Cartman as a rolemodel and tried to act like him.

Not just is he a Character that isnt meant to be seen as an example of how to act with other people, hes pretty much the opposite, but also did you really think its a great idea to insult your girlfriend while also insulting her religion? You didnt just call her a Jew you also called her stupid. Also did you reduce her whole heritage to very stereotypical pictures.

It also seems like you just started with this shit because you thought you could have a "fun dynamic" like the characters in your favorite series (which by the way hate each other, dosnt sound like a great dynamic to have with your girlfriend) . Thats just pretty fucking stupid.

Please think about doing stuff like this, and the characters you want to have as a rolemodel. I like South Park too and I like Cartman. But I wouldnt want to be like him, and if you want people to like you, you shouldnt either.

Try to apologize to your Girlfriend, dont do this shit again and then I hope that you two can work it out.


Ok_Security_8657 t1_ja54xmd wrote

"South Park is such a big part of my identity" is a weird sentence from a guy who can't seem to understand why his (now ex)-girlfriend is upset by being verbally assaulted with anti-Semitic remarks.


sctellos t1_ja522ct wrote

Either this is decent larping or your seriously need a therapist.


BriefDownpour t1_ja58dic wrote

People who make South Park their whole personality are one of my least favorite kind of people.

I wish this story was real so I could laugh at you.


Zealousideal-Soil778 t1_ja59b42 wrote

Yes! Like the fans for the band Tool. I love both, but neither are my entire world and their fans have a tendency to fixate.


wackwithpoobrain t1_jabr5rq wrote

But you see you’re actually supposed to watch Season 1 episode 1 then Season 2 episode 3, then Season 5 episode 8, and finally Season 13 episode 21. Then you have an intermission. Then you watch Season 21 episode 13 followed by Season 8 episode 5, then follow that up with Season 3 episode 2 then end it with watching Season 1 episode 1 again. It’s like a totally different full circle experience and so meaningful. You gotta try it on shrooms too.


Fun-Statistician-550 t1_ja56rot wrote

You're embarrassed because she left you in the middle of Walmart. But she wasn't embarrassed to be called names out in public by you? Notice how all the characters on SP never grow up. Sounds like you haven't either. Stay away from women. All of them. Forever.


Slunkey_ t1_ja504uh wrote

i feel like i read the most Reddit version of a Green Text story ever...


AntilockBand t1_ja7gii5 wrote

> be me

> obsessed with Cartman from South Park

>gf is jewish


>TFW no gf

>spaghetti falls out of my pockets in Walmart


BernieEcclestoned t1_ja52dd2 wrote

Tbh you sound more like the comic shop guy from the Simpsons


badgrumpykitten t1_ja8epba wrote

Nah, even that guy is funny from time to time. This guy is just a certified Jack Ass.


Rickenbachk t1_ja56x4l wrote

Making a cartoon your identity may be the saddest, most pathetic thing I have ever heard in my life.


masterops88 t1_ja51uku wrote

This cannot be real. As a general principle, you should avoid calling your girlfriend anything that would hurt her or otherwise upset her. Just a friendly tip.


DeviatioNation t1_ja54qe3 wrote

So... without asking your g/f for her input on this "fun dynamic", you went ahead and insulted her because YOU decided that this is what you wanted for your relationship. A hate filled dialogue between two cartoon characters is how you want your future relationship with a loved one. Man get your mind straight dude. Not everything you see on TV is a good idea.


TheRealDynamitri t1_ja5795i wrote

I’m Jewish and while I love “South Park” I would never act out Eric Cartman to a Jewish girlfriend (if I had one).

That’s one hell of a social ineptitude and tone-deafness, and then even thinking this could be seen as funny. Wow. Just wow.


MzOpinion8d t1_ja5av8a wrote

>slightly embarrassed by this whole commotion she caused in public

Bro. She didn’t cause the commotion, you did!


pope-killdragon t1_ja55tfa wrote

>This comment upset me a bit since South Park is such a big part of my identity



DetectiveDouche94 t1_ja5a2ii wrote

I automatically judge and avoid people who make South Park part of their identity. You're not cool and edgy, in fact, most of the time, they're assholes like you.


dirtysoupstains t1_ja55njg wrote

“Since South Park is such a big part of my identity” 😂


Goose1535 t1_ja52us2 wrote

Load of absolute bollocks


SamScoopCooper t1_ja56e1c wrote

Have is it ever occurred to you that a lot of Jewish people, myself included, find South Park antisemitic because it normalizes those “jokes?” They’re based on harmful antisemitic beliefs. It’s clear you’ve done little research and less critical thinking about your favorite media and how your girlfriend might feel about it


TheRealDynamitri t1_ja57o3i wrote

How can it be anti-Semitic if one of its two creators, and the guy voicing Kyle no less, is Jewish himself?

“South Park”’s thing is that they hit everyone, equally. No one is spared.

There we go, (some) Jewish people asking for a special treatment again.

PS I’m Jewish


SamScoopCooper t1_ja5887d wrote

Just because Jewish people are involved doesn’t mean something isn’t antisemitic. Then people like OP think these jokes are okay to tell and it’s hard to distinguish between people who say “Jewish person always asks for money” because they’re quoting South Park and somebody who says it because they believe it.

Not to mention if they think it’s a joke - it’s easier for them sucked down those antisemitic right wing rabbit holes


SamScoopCooper t1_ja58sg5 wrote

Also South Park is insulting to everyone isn’t a point in its favor. It doesn’t make it any less racist, sexist, antisemitic etc. it just happens to be all the things instead of one


TheRealDynamitri t1_ja5f2op wrote

So you’re confirming that some Jewish people want special treatment for Jews but are OK with poking fun at everyone else, as long as it’s not them?

Or are we supposed not to make jokes out of anyone and anything? Isn’t that how comedy dies?

“South Park” talked about that one, too, tbf, and on several occasions - but to really understand it, you have to be able to see below the surface, and not be a bigot in the first place: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or any other kind.


SamScoopCooper t1_ja5f9zu wrote

I’m saying the way South Park makes jokes is insulting to all the groups it makes fun of. Satire only works when you’re hitting up. South Park hits down.


TheRealDynamitri t1_ja5gj6l wrote

lmao, no.

Stop bringing disgrace to our people with comments like this, I’m actually embarrassed and don’t even want to be seen as sharing ancestry with you.

Thankfully opinions like yours are in a minority, and constitute just irrelevant rambling of our-of-touch folks. Old man yelling at cloud, etc etc.


SamScoopCooper t1_ja5h2a6 wrote

Two Jews, three opinions. You don't get to speak for the entirety of the Jewish people. Neither do I. That's why I said "a lot of Jewish people" not all.


TheRealDynamitri t1_ja5hg8l wrote

Well there’s Matt Stone and I (that’s 2), and there’s you (0.5).

2 is more than 0.5, so, yeah, we’re in the majority and you’re not.

What now.


SamScoopCooper t1_ja5i3za wrote

That’s not a statistically significant enough sample for me. And I no longer feel like dealing with someone who has no interest in good faith criticism


wackwithpoobrain t1_jabqgvd wrote

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand South Park. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Kyle’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike South Park truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kenny’s existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂


Euphoric_Ad_8309 t1_ja5cfvg wrote

You made yourself look like a fool dude. JC life isn't a episode of South Park no one is in character. Get some help for real.


Blonde2468 t1_ja5maiq wrote

JC!!! You are in HUGE denial about being a decent human being if ‘South Park is a huge part of your identity’. Grow TF Up!!


travisthemonkey t1_ja58zwy wrote

Send one last text apologizing saying you need to reevaluate your life and what is and is not acceptable for you to be “joking” around about with her. you will keep this humor (which I’m hoping is all in jest and you’re not actually anti Semitic) to your self. You took it to far and this will never happen again. Unless you want to be able to joke like this with a partner, then you did yourself a favor. If not, atheist or not. Boy, you better start praying


[deleted] t1_ja55cwa wrote



534HAWX t1_ja5bebc wrote

That's super insensitive


No_Quality8851 t1_ja5gl5s wrote

Guess you've never watched South Park either..... they don't care about the sensitive


534HAWX t1_ja5gs0c wrote

Leave us alone! Haven't you ever heard of PRIVACY!


CalebVI t1_ja523vj wrote

This is hilarious and stupid at the same time. At least you got to be in the show!

But on a more serious note, you shouldn't have pushed her so much. On the other hand if she already knew it was all just one big South Park routing and it took her 4 years to admit she resented you for even liking it... Well, all I gotta say is part of the blame for that is on her part and it would be silly if she didn't give you a second chance and explained what's bothering her about it.

Long story short... You guys need to communicate better. Best of luck, Fatass!
