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BoJo2736 t1_jaed38k wrote

Get a lawyer. It seems like there are people who could be held at least partially responsible.


Archangelthrowaway OP t1_jaeoiey wrote

I tried for 2 years everyday to get a lawyer and even though they always told me clearly negligence occurred, because plastic surgery cases are notoriously hard to win and I had signed a consent form giving him free reign to do any medical procedure he deems necessary, it would be nearly impossible to win in court. I had letters from doctors diagnosing me with ENS, but attorneys would tell me they could find a doctor on my side and one against me so it would likely be an uphill battle since ENS is not a well recognized situation. When I tell you I talked to at least 100 medical malpractice attorneys I’m not kidding. Unfortunately the time jurisdiction is over to file suit since it has been 2 years.


MyVoiceIsElevating t1_jaf0wuh wrote

What a racket, screw somebodies life over and their ass is covered by a blanket document. I sure hope you have made it very well known online who this physician is and the damage they have caused with no accountability


fatherofallthings t1_jaedotz wrote

This is the way. I’m honestly shocked OP hasn’t mentioned this.

I’m not a “sue them” type of guy, but if someone made it so I can’t BREATHE, damn right I’d be suing them for every penny they have.