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Totobiii t1_j7mw4hk wrote

How does that even happen? I wouldn't even know HOW to adress everybody in my company, are people really just regularly sending mails out to literally everyone?


rtosser t1_j7mynkt wrote

This used to be a problem at my old job. Not because they needed to send shit to everyone but because they could and people are lazy. We eventually locked down the distros so regular people couldn't spam the whole firm.


2019calendaryear t1_j7nnjau wrote

If a company doesn't have their distro lists locked down, then this kind of FU is on the company and not the individual. So dumb


Bigfops t1_j7nyszk wrote

Yeah, but the clue is in the post. All our dust rod are locked down except to CEO, HR and Marketing. Marketing because the execs use them to create official company communications.


rbnhd_f t1_j7nt02b wrote

I consulted at a medium-size company (few thousand users) that had to do this because people we spamming the list to sell their Tupperware or other MLM schemes.


sleepy-tired t1_j7oysaa wrote

Yes, it’s normal. At my old work there was an “all” mailing list that went to everyone at the company. Sometimes when HR would send out the menu for the Christmas party people would accidentally reply to all so everyone see that they were ordering pate, roast Turkey and chocolate mousse. They would then be asked about food constantly for a week, in typical sarcastic UK fashion.


UKS1977 t1_j7p0u4p wrote

"Please do not reply all with your Mousse choices".

//Replies all.

"Please don't reply all to the reply all - You are clogging my mail box!

//Replies all.


superdooperdutch t1_j7qdl3j wrote

omg this happens with my company sometimes and there's at least a dozen people in my org that will send the same damn email.

"I shouldn't have been included in this email" over and over again with others saying "stop replying all!"

I think one time it happened we got spammed with about 30 emails from various idiots.


AdventurousBench6 t1_j7oakx3 wrote

Lol, so we have a distribution list that goes to literally every single employee in our department.

We had an employee go off the rails and absolutely shit talk everyone in an email sent to that distribution list. Then, she announced her resignation to the entire department.

She's the reason why only certain people are able to email that distribution list now...


Mischungg t1_j7nqido wrote

there are sometimes mails that start with all which has all the companies emails, might be that


eyl569 t1_j7p0j7h wrote

The really annoying thing is when it cascades.

We've occasionally had incidents where someone accidentally sent a company-wide email, presumably because they chose the wrong distribution list. This is inevitably followed by people replying that he made a mistake; except they use Reply All so the entire company gets those. This tends to be followed by people telling them to stop responding - again, company-wide.


Embarrassed_B_23 t1_j7o73ve wrote

List serve names. You mean to send to

  • “VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, and CEO instead you send to “VP1-org, VP2, VP3, VP4, and CEO”

Or in this case,

-“VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, and CEO-org”

Every time I type in my director’s name or anyone senior, I get their email and a few org-level listserve to click.