Submitted by throwaway7374728373 t3_119ak6k in tifu

Throwaway. So i think this belongs here. I dont think i need to give a lot of backround to this.

So today went well for me, school went by quickly, i wrote a test and felt good about it. Everything was going fine until around 10minutes ago when i made the mistake of minding my own buisness. I was chilling in my room,finished my homework, playing some dying light 2, till my dad came home drunk. Ussualy he didnt bother me, he barely talked to me and i dont mind that at all. This evening was different, he came into my room and started giving me shit about my grades (he cant see my grades, he litteraly had no idea what he was talking about, and my grades are not the best, but they are far from bad) and that i need to study ( i just finished doing my homework/studying) i told him that i just did that, and as politley as possible asked him to leave my room(he reeked of alcohol) and let me continue playing. Instead he kept giving me shit about school, and how i need to get off my computer. Again i told him i just finished studying, this exact dialog repeated for like 3 times ( felt like a npc convo lol) until he got a bit aggresive

  • Get off. Now
  • Im going to play for a few more minutes only, Dad i just finished doing my homework i just want to play for a bit and go to bed. -No! Turn it off now. At this point i just had enough when he came home drunk he always gave me shit about something. One time he slapped the back of my head pretty hard.
  • No leave me alone, i will be done soon, leave my room. This drunk asshole decided to grab my hand which was laying on the phone pull it away and tried to take my phone. I was pissed off real bad, not because he took my phone, because how violently he pulled my hand away. See, i dont get pissed off easily or angry or violent often, hell i think i got angry only once before in my life. But this shit crossed the line i got violent. For the first time in my life i felt my blood like its boiling, even tough i love extreme sports (snowboarding, parkour) ive never felt so much adrenaline, so much hate go trough my body at once. I snatched my phone out of his hands. He tried to break my monitor (which i paid for including my pc) and slammed it on my desk i thought he broke it, i jumped up from my chair,looked at him, and yelled: -WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING DRUNK BITCH. After that my mom came into my room at the right time, he was about to punch me (if he did i would have beat the ever living shit out of him). My mom grabbed his fist and almost got punched ( if he would have punched mom i would have fucking killed him). yelled at him to calm the fuck down. My hands were fucking shaking out of anger. She kicked him out of my room, he came back, and tried to put the blame on me like i did something wrong. He said that i told him to go fuck him self when he started talking about my grades ( i was polite with him then). Obviously i told my mom the truth. She told my father to leave ( again), told me to relax and that she will talk to him when hes not drunk. After they both left my room, tears started to roll down my face, not because i was crying, because of the anger, i fucking hate being like this, angry, rude, violent. I try to be nice to everyone. And this fuck just made my angry. TLDR: Was minding my own buisness until drunk dad came home and almost punched me and my mom.


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onebadmex66 t1_j9la5ue wrote

That wall of text punches harder than a drunk dad does.


speculatrix t1_j9lwi5o wrote

Your father is the fuckup.

You did well not to get into a major fight.


SillyKing9012 t1_j9nlmcm wrote

OP I am sorry to hear that you have to go through this, by the sounds of things, on a regular basis. You sound like you aren't old enough to have a dollar to your name or have the capacity to fathom a life outside of your parents care. Your dad has seen more years on this planet than you have, for now you have to make sure you take care of yourself first. As he could physically harm you more.

Please know that the world is not like this at all. It can be a beautiful thing, much more than what you dad is. There is a dark side to this world as well, and I am sorry that you have to experience that horrible side for the duration of what sounds like your childhood. I am proud of you standing up for yourself and wanting to protect your mum, not many people have the courage to. But with the nature that your dad is, and your physical size in comparison, there is a time to fight, and there is a time to submit. Please keep that in mind, or else you may escalate a situation into something worse than it could've been. Although for this one, I think you handled it well. Trying to defuse the situation without needing to resort to violence. Luckily, your mum was there before your dad could make it worse.

And when you are able to afford to separate yourself from your dad, life can be so much better. There are caring people out there. I wish you the best. Good luck.


DisciplineScary t1_j9lbjce wrote

How dare he touch your fucking hand.. Ew gross.


goldehh_ t1_j9ldm0i wrote

if he was being that persistent you should’ve just said ok then secretly start playing again when he leaves/goes to bed


HoffyMan01 t1_j9lf7sg wrote

Nah I’m with OP, fuck letting dude get away with it. Someone at some point has to put him in his place or he’s gonna keep bullying mfs his whole life.


goldehh_ t1_j9lfmpv wrote

true, I’m just saying this as an introvert who avoids confrontation and has had a similar experience.


Thesoftgirl t1_j9mc5rr wrote

My dad and I got in a fist fight when I was 16 because he was being a drunk ass. He respected me a lot more after that. Probably won't work for everyone, but it worked for me and one of my younger brothers.


HoffyMan01 t1_j9lfczn wrote

I’m sick of reading these bum dad posts and people acting like it’s no problem lol. Next time knock his drunk ass out. Lesson learned. I’d move out if I were you 🤣


Thud2 t1_j9l98s7 wrote

Can you elaborate?
