Submitted by _Bluestar_Bus_Soton_ t3_11asfcg in tifu

Right this story has a bit of a big back-story and we would have to go back around 10 or so years to when my cousin was calling my other cousin Spack as a light-hearted joke. Then in 2019 my cousin made his Xbox GT Jack Spack. Then in July 2020, I paid him a visit at his house and we agreed to play CoD WaW Zombies. Obviously we needed to exchange gamertags at this point and this is where I joked that his gamertag rhymes with the word spank. It was at this point were we would both make jokes related to all things about spacking & spanking; Urban Dictionary definintions were starting to be made in Feb 21, then in 2022, I made UD definintions about me, my 2 cousins, and my friend where we would have our own Spack nickname (Example) and it was at this point also that an online friend I had met a few months prior to the definintions being made would also be a 'Spack', in this case, Spack No.5.

So fastfoward (or rewind to lastnight), when I was playing wiv him on Warzone and at this point he would announce to me that his school found out somehow about his definintion, which led to the site being blocked, presumably because the students were too busy looking at UD during class.


TL;DR a weird inside joke me and my cousin made within the walls of his own bedroom, somehow gained the attention of some random American high-school kids over 3000 odd miles away



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sparker1987 t1_j9u9xvb wrote

How the hell is UD not already blocked in every school?


_Ezy_Pzy t1_j9ud8a0 wrote

for real. there's some wild stuff in there


ThaumKitten t1_j9uf54w wrote

Because they don't actually care about the wellfare of their students :/


IGetHighAndAdoptDogs t1_j9vkwwf wrote

This is pretty awesome, but…

>his gamertag rhymes with the word spank.

Am I missing something? Because spack and spank definitely don’t rhyme 😂


RaggysRinger t1_j9v7mfu wrote

Our hs principal, Mr. Tracker, would end the morning announcements with “I’ll Track Attack y’all tomorrow”. Someone added a definition for Track Attack on urban dictionary about going up and groping unsuspected girls butts and it blew up in our school. He stopped saying it shortly after


srirachacha2810 t1_j9ups0q wrote

Ok but spank don’t even rhyme with spack