Submitted by SeaOutside t3_11dzzj6 in tifu

So, as the title says, TIFU by using ChatGPT intstead of really preparing for a test.

It might seem like a weird reason to use a throwback, but I am really ashamed of myself. On the other hand, this is such an interesting lesson I've learned, I would have posted it on r/education or something if I was sure they wouldn't remove throwback and karmaless accounts.

So, I had this HUGE exam coming in. I am working full-time parallel to the course (and in the week before this huge exam) so I am thinking of shortcuts to get this amazingly enormous amount of materials into my head in the shortest time possible. They had “preparation questions” and clever me thought "well, I've actually seen Chat GTP do amazing things, maybe I should feed it the questions and use the output as learning material". This, instead of listening to videos of 12 very long and boring lectures on the subject and reading elaborate scientific articles on the matter.

Well, this is how you FU. Questions were, surprisingly, about the lectures. CHat GTP's answers were not horrible, it did give me a general grasp of the information (just like one would use Wikipedia to first get acquainted with the subject). It should have been, if anything, a foundation to build on and try to get to listen to the lectures in any case. This silly goat learned the ChatGTP answers by heart, forgetting this tiny detail.

So, for teachers concerned about the rule of robots over the planet, this is not yet the case.

As for me, I don't know the grade yet, but most likely, I will have to do this again. A bit sad, but totally my fault. At least I know what it is supposed to look like the next time.

The irony of it all? It was a course in educational psychology, on how to develop motivation and advance students. One of the things they tell you is to never make exams where the students have to learn by heart heaps of little details and just recall them on the exam, this is not motivating. Just guess how the exam was structured. :-)

TL;DR : I FU by using ChatGPT to manufacture answers to questions preparing me for a huge exam, forgetting to actually later check the real exam material and learning the bot's answers by heart.



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PM_ur_Rump t1_jabr7h7 wrote

I know I'm old, but is "throwback" really the new "throwaway"?


Smirkydarkdude t1_jacnmbc wrote

Ya... ChatGPT is great at putting together words. But often it's just a word salad. It's absolutely not a search engine or source of truth. It makes a mountain of errors.


laplongejr t1_jacvyxg wrote

> It's absolutely not a search engine

Tbf I wouldn't trust the search engine's first results either. It's like a search engine stuck on some data from 2021...


Timofey_ t1_jabq1da wrote

Yeah, I use chatGPT a lot with school work. It's great tool, but if you don't understand the content you aren't going to be able to pull it up on errors. It makes life easier but yeah, you can't really trust it.


minedigger t1_jae58tu wrote

You wrote this post using AI didn’t you?