Submitted by Extension_Shot t3_10y9wg1 in tifu

As a horny college student, no time is too late or too early to be going to a booty call. So when my (21M) tinder date (let’s call her Molly) (19F) who I’d matched with that very day asked me to come over at 4AM I was more than happy to oblige.

To preface: I’m not the type of person who’s really into one night stands, I like casual relation/situationships but just one night is pretty unfulfilling and not really my thing. When we first started talking, Molly similarly agreed and was more looking for something serious, which I wasn’t opposed to but not exactly rushing into.

Anyways I arrive at around 4AM and am told to be very quiet when I was invited inside as she had housemates who had work the next day and didn’t want to wake them. We go to her bed and after talking for a while start making out, grinding etc. in her bed. I make a move to put my hand up her shirt and before I can ask if it’s alright she says “no, stop!”, so obviously I stop and just keep going with what we were doing.

After about 10 minutes of this she then grabs my hand and puts it under her shirt, and then starts saying “no, stop!”, again.

I stop again and pull my hand out from under her shirt.

She then proceeds to ask my why I’ve stopped, I tell her because she told me to stop and then she rolls her eyes at me. I ask if she wants me to keep going and she tells me to stop talking about it and that it’s weird, heavily implying that she wants me to keep going.

So I carefully put my hand back under and I asked if it was okay what I was doing, she said stop asking/talking and rolled her eyes, so I kept doing it. She tells me she wants me to squeeze really hard, I do it, she reacts well etc. but then she starts saying “no, stop!” again. I stop, she gets annoyed, the situation continues like this for about 20 minutes of stopping and starting and me feeling incredibly uncomfortable that she wouldn’t just tell me that she wanted me to keep going when she was saying “no stop”. I picked up that she probably wanted me to and tried doing it with her saying it, but she would start reacting more and pulling away and I would feel so incredibly uncomfortable. Yet she’d still be annoyed if I stopped.

After this 20 minutes she all of a sudden says that she’s 16. I obviously stop what I’m doing immediately and question her. She says that she’s actually living with her parents and I had to be quiet to not wake them and that she actually goes to the local high school just across the road not the university just a few streets over, she spends about 5 minutes explaining all this. And then all of a sudden says that she was just joking she’s actually 19 and prompts me to continue. I don’t believe her and demand she shows me her ID, after some protest she shows me her passport as I wasn’t accepting other university ID and she was 19.

Anyways, she again immediately prompts me to continue which I semi-annoyedly but mostly with relief oblige. Everything continues as before and I’m still not exactly comfortable.

After another 20 mins of this she gets up and asks me if I want her to do anything to me. I said yes especially considering I’d been going at it with her for the better part of an hour without anything for me. She asks if I wanted head, I said yes, she asked me if I wanted to have intercourse, but she worded it weirdly saying just the tip. Kinda odd. Anyways I say I don’t have any condoms, she doesn’t have any condoms, she doesn’t have any other birth control, so I say no. But she keeps asking me if I’m sure, just a little bit etc. and I keep saying no.

She tells me to close my eyes, I’m here thinking she’s about to give me head, and as I open my eyes I’m horrified to see her on me.

I pull out and push her off me telling her that it’s a bad idea. She then tells me that she has a rule about having intercourse the first time we meet and that now it has to be a one night stand. Keep in mind how she’d explicitly said she didn’t want that and she’d never told me this rule. I ask her why she didn’t tell me, she says that it wouldn’t be a challenge if I knew…

Anyways the whole thing just kinda annoyed me so I start to get up and say I’m leaving. As I’m doing this she grabs onto me and starts hugging me, burying her head into my chest and begging me to stay. I tell her no it’s getting late I want to go home, but she continues to hold me like I’m her boyfriend about to leave her or something. For another 10-15 minutes this continues with me trying to leave and her not letting me. I eventually push her off harshly and just leave.

I text her when I get home that she should probably take plan B just in case, eventhough I didn’t finish, it’s still possible and she was also ovulating so danger zone. She says no and then asks me if I want her to tell me if she’s pregnant as if the pregnancy is basically a certainty…

She then messages me 3 days later in a panic about how she doesn’t want to get pregnant and it’ll ruin her life etc. so eventually get her to take the Ella pill.

TL;DR girl wants me to “take her” but doesn’t communicate it kinda fucking with my head, then lies about her age, decides to never see me again and has a pregnancy scare

Edit 1: just in case this wasn’t clear on the 16 year old front. She said she was 16 years old as a joke to try to freak me out (which worked), she was actually 19, I made her show me photo ID for proof and it was her passport which was legit. When she said she was 16 I stopped, not because there would be any legal consequences as where I live the age of consent is 16, but because I just think it’s fucking weird and I don’t want to be having sex or doing anything with a 16 year old.

Edit 2: some additional context to this is that she’s an international student who spoke English fluently but there were some heavy cultural differences, so in the back of my mind I was always thinking oh it’s just a cultural difference or something. But since the event it’s occurred to me that she may have been wanting to get pregnant so that she could get citizenship

Edit 3: a lot of comments assuming I’m from the US, I’m not laws are different in different countries.

Edit 4: I didn’t really make it clear but it wasn’t exactly a booty call, like I said we talked about having something more serious, I just used “booty call” because I didn’t want to go into great depth my personal situation. But basically there was intimacy expected, but I went into the situation not wanting or expecting to have intercourse, that’s why I didn’t bring a condom



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