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Ar3s701 t1_jdkz4gm wrote

Wait....people actually use reddit chat?


Sir_Credible t1_jdl95gp wrote

Lol someone randomly messaged me in reddit chat asking to get to know me better and I told them “why would you want to ruin a perfect stranger” and they stopped bothering me


TDP_Equinox t1_jdlpc0y wrote

Every now and then I'll find myself on reddit on my pc for some technical issue, and see all the spam in my reddit chat box.

And then forget about it for another 6 months.


hljoorbrandr t1_jdkvqfj wrote

Well at least you didn’t include your face - but this is a common scam. Your pic will be used on a bunch of sites to try to scam other people and will make the rounds on Grindr but so long as you don’t have your face. Enjoy the knowledge people will see you dong!


Idiot_BearMan t1_jdkvwl0 wrote

That is oddly comforting


hljoorbrandr t1_jdkyak0 wrote

Haha yeah it’s like, sweet a bunch of people gonna be all happy to see your dick.


LeRon-Jr-IX t1_jdkyqq0 wrote

But what if you included your face in that and you only have tomorrow to pay them back else they expose you to your friends and family? AND you’ve already reported them and an investigator STILL hasn’t got to you yet?


hljoorbrandr t1_jdkyxj2 wrote

Oof, don’t pay them. 50/50 chance they release the pics anyway. Best chance set all your socials to private and pray.

Though most are just trying to make money from your fear. It is a crime to share pornographic material without consent so it’s a gamble for them you know?


LeRon-Jr-IX t1_jdkz8eo wrote

Yeah I’m pretty sure but I just feel like whoever this blackmailer is, is steady keeping tabs on me till tomorrow so they can expose me for fun when I tell them I don’t have the money. But I got help with a cyber investigation crew, so I should be good


hljoorbrandr t1_jdkzcx8 wrote

Yeah that fear is valid friend. Lesson learned don’t share nudes with random people inless you want it on the internet


GroveTC t1_jdl0yvg wrote

Send all your friends nudes, get ahead of it.


hljoorbrandr t1_jdl3teq wrote

Establish dominance - but don’t do that..sounds worse lol


idontcarerightnowok t1_jdm236z wrote

so you tried cheating online and got fucked over by a bot?

karma imo.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_jdl25q8 wrote

> they demanded hundreds of dollars

You should call them back and be insulted, say the pic is worth at least a thousand dollars


dan_144 t1_jdn5odn wrote

Guys, if a woman online ever hits you up unprompted for sexy stuff, no she didn't. It's a scam and it's always gonna be a scam.