Submitted by Toxilyn t3_11oktjb in tifu

I volunteer at a theater. Today we are having some final preparations for a show next weekend where we got a festival for all the young theater groups to put on a show for their parents. So today we have to try all the lights, sounds, mics etc. I am just helping where I can. When I got dressed this morning I threw on a dress from my not clean but not dirty enough to be washed pile. I did give it a smell test and all seemed fine. But as I was running late I just threw it on and jumped on my bike. I had a few things I had to do before arriving at the theater. So I biked around. Sorted that. And finally came in. Upon arrival I sat down and was just.. What the heck is that smell?

It was.. just weird and bad and wrong. I soon realized it was my dress. A lil note about the dress I was I was wearing was that it was black with pinkish red ish flowers. I soon realized there were like weird spots on the fabric of the dress and this was what gave the smell. And I suddenly remembered where I'd smelled it before.

A week ago I went to visit my parents and stayed a few nights. Our dog who lives by them got into heat while I was there. And I realized that she must have slept in my dress while I was out as I'd just thrown my dress on the floor. And her.. well. Blood and juices got soaked into the dress. It is the first time I wear the dress after that visit.

So. I went into the bathroom and tried washing it in the sink with hand soap. It helped.. Slightly. But I could still smell it. But now I was also soaked and running around in a wet dress. And I felt very insecure especially when I had to stand close to these kids to help them with mics.. Something had to happen.

I recalled I'd left a dress by my parents. And imagined my mom has probably washed it. Little note is the fact my family and I live apart but in the same city. And the theater is kinda half way to where my parents and and brothers live. I can't leave because I had tasks to do. But I called up my brother and tried to explain to him why I needed him to come with the dress I'd left there.

Well he agreed. But my mom became nosy on what he was doing and grabbed the phone. I tried to explain and she just... Did not get it.

Please get my brother to bring me my dress. And she is like: "But it is missing a button!" Doesn't matter. This is more important. "But it is wrinkly!" Mom I rather wear a wrinkly dress than smell like week old dog period blood.

Finally she agreed. And luckily my brother was able to make it here quick so I could get changed. I changed in the car with him and the first thing he said was just: Fuck I smell it. So that proved it to me it was good I got him to bring a clean dress.

So. Situation averted.

I have a theory that it didn't smell much when I put the dress on. But as I've been biking and working I heated up the fabric and released the smell...

TL;DR Dog must have slept in my dress while she was on her period. Unknowingly I wore this dress to my volunteer job at a theater and could suddenly smell it. I tried washing the dress in the sink. Did not help and then I was just wet. I convinced my brother to bring me a clean dress. And I am now clean and smell free.



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BirdsongBossMusic t1_jbu58pn wrote

Spay the dog. Pretty irrelevant but it still needs to be said.


fredsam25 t1_jbt5qwm wrote

TIL I never thought about female animals having periods. That's wild.


Toxilyn OP t1_jbt6jlo wrote

Yep! There even exist doggy panties with a hole for her tail. And you can cut up small human pads and put them into the panties to catch the blood. We usually do this when she is in heat. But we didn't realize she had gotten into heat till probably the day after when we found blood spots around the house. I mean she can't exactly tell us she has it. So you just got to keep an eye out for it.


fredsam25 t1_jbt7jpi wrote

Like, I knew about animals going into heat. I just didn't mentally connect it with menstruation. Does this mean most female mammals are out there, in need of period panties?


aasdfhdjkkl t1_jbu0sxp wrote

Dogs do not have a menstrual cycle. Sometimes they bleed when they go into heat. It's generally less blood than a human period. And heat is actually the opposite of menstruation. Heat occurs around ovulation, which for humans happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle (approximately 2 weeks after the first day of bleeding for someone with a regular 28 day cycle).


Toxilyn OP t1_jbt7v0a wrote

If you read the wiki I sent you. Actually no. Most animals don't. But dogs have a type of bleeding attached to their heat. That isn't the exact same as humans menstruation. I didn't even know this. But growing up with female dogs and also breeding them. I have always found it natural that they did it.


Almondrivers t1_jbtdqf5 wrote

Lesson learned I hope? If you live in a house with animals, clothes should never be left on the floor. It took one unfortunate cat urine situation for me to never do it again lol


Toxilyn OP t1_jbtfmi2 wrote

I guess so haha. My dog has a tendency for revenge pissing. If we stress her out too much because there are too many changes. Then she likes to piss in some ones bed. She does it everytime we return from holiday and she has been staying over by a different family. She also some times does it when we bring her to the summerhouse. And has done so on my pillow. My mom left for a work course and came back and she pissed on my moms side of the bed. Worst was a couple of years ago when we got an exchange student. She had lived by my parents for a bit over a week when our dog pissed on her pillow. Which made our exchange student feel our dog hated her.

Our dog is completely clean otherwise. But you can always tie these revenge pissing to when stuff happens.


alexanderpas t1_jbtnnl7 wrote

> But my mom became nosy on what he was doing and grabbed the phone. I tried to explain and she just... Did not get it. > > Please get my brother to bring me my dress. And she is like: "But it is missing a button!" Doesn't matter. This is more important. "But it is wrinkly!" Mom I rather wear a wrinkly dress than smell like week old dog period blood. > > Finally she agreed.

Bad mom.

If your daughter requests an emergency change of clothes, you ensure the clothes are en route right now, no questions asked.

Questions can wait until they are willing to share.

Same with when your daughter calls you when they are out, and call for a ride.

You will pick them up, no questions asked, and the questions can wait until they are willing to share.


Toxilyn OP t1_jbtoir7 wrote

Honestly made a stressful situation worse. And I didn't have time to debate. Yeah.. mothers right?


thezekroman t1_jbubtgh wrote

Dogs don't technically get periods, only primates do. There may have been some blood along with the discharge, but it's not actual menstruation


NecroticYT t1_jbtzowj wrote

TIL dogs get periods


aasdfhdjkkl t1_jbu0yln wrote

They don't. They can sometimes bleed when they go into heat. This isn't on a regular monthly cycle like periods are. And heat is the equivalent of ovulation for humans (not periods). It's the most fertile time as opposed to the least.