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Saxamaphooone t1_jd0wdhf wrote

Exactly this. Speaking as a woman, it SUCKS when you’ve been friends with a guy you thought was genuinely a friend, only to later discover he “fuck zoned” you the entire time and was just waiting for you to be available. It feels like he was just waiting in line for “his turn” and the entire friendship was a farce.


abbychestnut666 t1_jd10k88 wrote

LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!! I don’t have the emotional capacity to have to tell friends of mine “well when we met you (or I) were in a relationship so I absolutely don’t think of you that way” EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!


melonlady13 t1_jd2pg9g wrote

Nothing better than being dumped and subsequently losing all your ‘friends’ who were just waiting for this very thing and don’t take well to being rejected