Submitted by BrilliantHungry0 t3_125mggn in tifu

This was actually a fee days ago on Monday. I'm a freshman in high school and I'm currently on my way to school while writing this and the bus is on country roads so I apologize for fucked spelling. I was in my fiirst hour metalworking class and my friend M gave me a pile of metal shavings from the schools welding room and I, being the funny man I am, put them on my face and screamed WAR PAINT!!!!!! Then I made the mistake of breathing and they went in my nose. I could taste metal for like 3 hours and now I'll start coughing randomly and it'll taste like metal when I do. I'm sure I'll live tho. This isn't my first time inhaling something bad for me, not even close in fact. I have inhaled burnt solder, burnt antifreeze and burnt pb blaster and I'm still alive so I'm sure I'll be fine. TL;DR I inhaled metal shavings and have been coughing since from it



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Kardis_J t1_je4qyyw wrote

Emphysema is a terrible condition to deal with. Had two grandfathers with it. You need to start wearing some PPE to filter your breathing.


BrilliantHungry0 OP t1_je4rfqk wrote

Nah I'll be fine


G3arsguy529 t1_je4rqvp wrote

Literally what every teenager thinks and regrets later. PPE is for the smart, ER visits are for the stupid


BrilliantHungry0 OP t1_je4s099 wrote

Never been smart just tryna get the job done


G3arsguy529 t1_je4sbbu wrote

Alright buddy, you keep up your southern "get the job done" attitude. I'm sure you won't regret a thing 🤣


ThadisJones t1_je4swxx wrote

>just tryna get the job done

According to basically every study ever done on the subject, workplace accidents cost employers and the economy way more money and time than reasonable and effective prevention would have. And that's not including the human cost.


RRoyale57 t1_je50uyd wrote

The fact you’re proud of your resume of inhaling things I don’t think you’re done with it


BrilliantHungry0 OP t1_je52qfg wrote

Well I didn't mean to. And I'm not proud of it I'm just stating im not smart


RRoyale57 t1_je53m0g wrote

Yeah but why would you want to say that for? Learn from your lessons and make people think you’re smart so they don’t ask you to do stupid things because they think you’ll do them


BrilliantHungry0 OP t1_je54pj3 wrote

If I say I'm smart people will expect me to be and I'm not


RRoyale57 t1_je5jn5a wrote

Smart people do dumb things too, but they learn from it, that’s what makes them smart. Doing the same mistake over and over and never learning from it, is considered as dumb. It is not necessarily you as a person but the choices you make. Life is the addition of all your choices, make good choices and you will have a good life.


synapse2424 t1_je5lbm6 wrote

Might want to mention this if you ever get an MRI.


ThadisJones t1_je673zl wrote

They're gonna put him in the MRI, look at the screen showing the cross section of his brain, and see bright spots of heavy metal deposits and shit that just spell out FUCK


No_Love_1353 t1_je7nwi9 wrote

I figure this would’ve been iron/steel filings, so hopefully no heavy metals.


Sir_Credible t1_je5jfh2 wrote

I haven’t said this phrase to anyone since highschool but I think you need to hear it “cool story bro, you should tell that at parties”


Fuzzy_Dude t1_jebjls9 wrote

Hope you can get some therapy to help deal with whatever you're grappling with here.