Submitted by StaffAncient9800 t3_125t6st in tifu

Before you assume I'm some demon, it was my first and last time shoplifting, and I only stole a pack of oreos because I was 25 cent short. So I was walking around a CVS and found some of those really good golden oreos. I was dying to get some but I checked the price tag and found out that I was just a couple cents short of it. I decided that there would be no harm in shoving it in my pocket and just walking out the store, but apparently an employee saw me and started walking towards me shouting telling me to get back. I sorta acted nonchalant as to not seem suspicious and just walked out the store at a normal pace. She then radio'd something on her radio and thats when I decided to pick up the pace and rush over to my bike. I biked off and straight to my house ~5 minutes away. I'm still shaking from the encounter and absolutely terrified of what could happen. I doubt they got a good view of my face because I had my hood on and headphones in, but I'm still scared. This whole thing happened about 30 minutes ago and nothing has happened so far. Needless to say, I won't be shoplifting again, and to anyone who might be reading this who shoplifts/is considering doing it, don't. One wrong move will completely mess up your life. You might get lucky once or twice, but if you try your luck enough times, you'll eventually slip up and it will stay with you for your entire life.

TL;DR: Was caught shoplifting, scared as to what might happen next.



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AcrobaticSource3 t1_je60yff wrote

> straight to my house ~5 minutes away

ROOKIE MISTAKE! You’re supposed to take a long/wrong way home to misdirect them in case they send someone after you, chasing you for that pack of Oreos


Fun-Pea-880 t1_je6098s wrote

You'll get banned from the store most likely. Doubt anything else will happen because no one stopped you; nor arrested you.

Shoplifting was taken more seriously when I was 15 and got caught. I owed 240$ in restitution and had to work 30 days of community service.


atx78701 t1_je6spav wrote

this level of innocence is refreshing these days.

Have you seen the videos of people in large groups walking into stores and filling trashbags full of 10s of thousands of dollars of goods, then just walking out?

You will be fine. But dont steal, it really does make you a bad person. Someday you will have something stolen and that feeling of violation sucks.


Dabbles-In-Irony t1_je5s284 wrote

As long as the fear of getting caught outweighs any adrenaline rush you got from it, you should be fine. At least you can acknowledge that it was a bad idea.

For one pack of Oreos I doubt they’ll look for you too hard. Unless there’s a clear picture of your face, not much the can do. Ban everybody who matches your description? Just don’t wear the same hoodie there for a while!


StaffAncient9800 OP t1_je5qgmy wrote

On a related note, do you guys think they'll try and find me? I'm still extremely scared and nervous.


_Shanosaur t1_je6a1wq wrote

It was several years ago, but I used to work at CVS. There's a policy that doesn't allow shoplifters to be pursued beyond the doors of the store. I would probably stay away from that store, but I don't believe there's any reason to worry that law enforcement is gonna come knocking at your door. So, steer clear and never do that again! I stupidly stole some diet pills from Walmart when I was 18 in a state that doesn't expunge records. So, my desire to be skinny earned a permanent mark on my criminal background. Resoundingly not worth it. Don't be like me!


nightowl_i t1_je66bg2 wrote

Nah, they would not put such effort for oreos. But on another note, you could simply go to the cashier and say that you are falling short of 25 cents and really hungry, most likely they will waive off - some people wont, but just accept that and move on.