Submitted by hyenacry t3_11v13gw in tifu

Obligatory this happened 6 years back when my husband and I first started dating.

He bought me a summer sausage as a snack/gift because he knew I loved them. As we were in his room, I cut off a piece and ate it. He looks at me weird and I ask him whats wrong.

He asks me if I ate the paper. I ask what paper? He then proceeds to tell me the casing on summer sausage is actually wine colored paper thats not entirely edible. For my entire 20+ years on the earth until that point I swore the casing was edible. I was eating it every time I had summer sausage. There were opportunities as a kid where someone could have told me this was the case. I went into my adulthood eating paper.

My husband laughed his ass off absolutely bewildered I didn't know I shouldn't eat the casing. It's still a joke in my family today about me eating paper "because they know I love it."

TLDR; I ate inedible paper.



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hyenacry OP t1_jcqu8i5 wrote

Thank you autocorrect. I was not rating sausage. I was EATING sausage.


speculatrix t1_jcqzz2y wrote

TIFU by writing "I rated sausage" which sounded so dodgy!


InadmissibleHug t1_jcrbgw0 wrote

My dirty mind went way down. Dodgy AF


speculatrix t1_jcsccby wrote

I've never heard of summer sausage and immediately thought it was a euphemism which would be explained by OP, so the whole post turned out rather more innocent than expected.


mmmmmratner t1_jcvccgh wrote

Would have been in the same situation even if it had said "eating" instead of "rating"


Sam-Gunn t1_jcvdyjh wrote

"And this one is comparable in both taste and size to Jeff, a man I dated shortly after college..."


Whats-Upvote t1_jctpd9s wrote

Completely was expecting “that’s the exact size my ex was” or something to that effect.


otterbomber t1_jcu1ogy wrote

It was the whole reason I clicked, partly disappointed partly amused


Lem0n_Lem0n t1_jcsgnax wrote

Rating sausages is so much better than eating sausages paper.. so how much out of 10 do you rate that summer sausage??


karimcintosh18 t1_jcsh159 wrote

I was like is their so insecure and they said something about a bigger sausage or something. Context was definitely needed here 😂


ronnyma t1_jct4n8r wrote

Yes, I was expecting something completely different based on the title


knackies t1_jcteali wrote

Yeah sorry I thought this post was going somewhere entirely different and not entirely abnormal for the TIFU sub. But congrats on eating paper! Could be worse.


RawbeardX t1_jctheva wrote

let's just say the "rating" correction made me think of a different summer sausage.


GRZMNKY t1_jcqxm03 wrote

It's food grade paper. Totally safe to eat.


xkoreotic t1_jct2jr8 wrote

Yeah I don't know where he got the idea that it wasn't edible.


aims-to-please t1_jcqwje2 wrote

Just googled if the casing is edible. The general consensus states it's made from edible materials, occasionally it won't taste great but you should be fine


MadameMonk t1_jcs7c54 wrote

Someone wanna tell me what on earth summer sausage is? Thought I’d experienced most of the world’s sausage options, but don’t know this name at all.


gwaydms t1_jcsaxrg wrote

It's a hard sausage that doesn't need refrigeration or cooking. You can keep it on the pantry shelf in summertime.


MadameMonk t1_jcshwvv wrote

So pork, I assume? Is it spicy, garlicky, plain-tasting or something else? Do you eat it alone or in a particular way? TIA!


ItsMeTrey t1_jcsoay2 wrote

It is usually a mixture of beef and pork. The cornerstone seasonings of summer sausage are curing salt, mustard seed, and garlic. Traditionally it is air smoked, but liquid smoke can be used instead. Most people eat it by itself or with cheese and/or crackers.


mrbear120 t1_jcsw1vp wrote

Any and all of the above, and with crackers and cheese is my go to. It is often pork, but it can be beef or my favorite, venison.


osoALoso t1_jctm1tr wrote

Traditionally it's a lacto-fermented sausage with a little tang to it and smoke cured.


tommo020 t1_jcsyd4h wrote

I have no idea but was picturing chorizo in my mind as that often has a paper, too.


mystic3030 t1_jcr5t6q wrote

It’s cellulose not paper. Edible but not very good.


Swedenesebishhh69 t1_jcqy3lq wrote

Im 100% positive I have also eaten this forbidden casing!! lmao


jmancoder t1_jcrveiu wrote

This title sounds oddly pornographic LOL


Buckabuckaw t1_jcr07tv wrote

Yeah, don't worry about it. I eat the casing on summer sausage all the time because I kinda like the chewy sensation. I'd say the casing is not nutritious but not inedible.

You just go ahead on with your bad self and ignore the critics.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_jcrh6t7 wrote

Was anyone else like me expecting this post to be sexier, based on the title of the post, and then even through most of the text of the post about the husband giving her a sausage? Anyone?


alfiejs t1_jctmk56 wrote

I thought you were giving scores to the dicks you had over summer, in front of your husband. 8/10 would ride again.


UndercoverVenturer t1_jcsf834 wrote

Today I learned the term "Summer Sausage".

This sub is purely educational.

In german we call it "Dauerwurst" = Lasting Sausage or Duration Sausage.


Kurokotsu t1_jct0y7p wrote

I actually love the phrase Duration Sausage.


purple_pixie t1_jctkgj9 wrote

Same etymology as duration / endure I image, I like Enduring Sausage as a name


SurrealGirl t1_jcrc53h wrote

Not the end of the world, I used to eat the paper on purpose sometimes. I actually liked the taste of it with the sausage.


secretsweettea t1_jcrfljm wrote

I just came here to see what you rated the summer sausage what a let down 😂


ArenSteele t1_jcrn7on wrote

Yeah, my mind went to “she rated it a 2 out of 10” then learned her boyfriend made it himself and he was super sad.


Times-New-WHOA_man t1_jcsej1i wrote

I eat the casing most of the time too, tbh. If it’s not too chewy it’s simpler and less messy. But don’t be like my friend who nearly ate a BabyBel with the wax still on. You will never live that one down.


pangarma t1_jctf65e wrote

Do you know that the shell comes off of shrimp and they are not supposed to be crunchy


Schen5s t1_jcroubz wrote

Yea... I bought summer sausage and cut into it with the paper on thinking it just had a harder casing..then on the second one I saw there was this little bit sticking out and pulled it off which made me realize it was a paper casing on the outside..


joebarnette t1_jcvbr4i wrote

Never rate sausage in front of your husband.


restisinpeace t1_jcu8tq0 wrote

Clearly at least one person ate it so it’s not inedible anymore


Verbose_Cactus t1_jcshu87 wrote

Omg I did this too!! I only realized halfway through the sausage 😅😭 oops. At least it doesn’t ruin the taste…?


S-Quidmonster t1_jcsjyaj wrote

Haha, my mom did this for me when she would pack my lunch. She insisted that it was edible and I should eat the paper. She did too. She was in her 40s at the time


TerrorNova49 t1_jcsyaht wrote

🌭 “My sausage is bigger than your sausage!” 🍆


Superloopertive t1_jct2bvs wrote

I was sure you'd rated Summer Sausage by comparing it favourably to your husband's penis.


butt3rmi1kybean t1_jct6em3 wrote

Oh yeah, I've been eating the paper too and had no clue.


Squigglepig52 t1_jctm60m wrote

To be fair, there are a ton of different types of casing out there, and some artificial casing is easier to consume than the natural stuff.

But, yeah, you have your paper type casing, which may or may not be edible. You have plastic casing, not edible. But there is collegen casing, which is pretty much an edible plastic. and then you have the natural casing, ie, animal guts.

Source - worked for a place that supplied butchers and meat processors.


Felaguin t1_jctqg2l wrote

Everyone needs a little fiber in their diet …


iMestie t1_jctxd6r wrote

I was 100% waiting for a post about someone who rated penises while lying on the beach next to their husband. I was slightly disappointed.


rellsell t1_jctyc4c wrote

Yeah, when I was dating a new girl, she'd always appreciate a gift of a summer sausage. I liked suggesting we go for a drive, and then, without a word, I'd open the glove box, pull out the summer sausage and hand it to her. I found you could learn a lot about a new girl this way.


LePanda47 t1_jcuclsp wrote

Genuinely was expecting a situation like where a friend sent you a dick pic that a guy sent to them and asked you to rate it but then your husband saw the dick pic and thought you were cheating on him or something similar


SnowyChinchilla t1_jcuq8es wrote

Yes I give the sausage a 5.5/10 due to the consistency,spice, and even spacing of fat.

I give the paper a 9.5/10. Some of the finest paper to grace my palate. Clearly colored from old world wine. chef’s kiss


Goseki1 t1_jcv8e8p wrote

Man, i have never heard the term summer sausage before.. I used to leave the casing on Chorizo when cooking it though.


NAMDAMN t1_jcve3yc wrote

Honestly I still do that with Bao those Asian dumpling things because it’s easier and I like the texture of the paper, I used to eat paper on purpose all the time as a kid, judge as much as you want, I also ate a rose once because In England it’s pretty common to get rose flavoured candy, did NOT taste anywhere near the same 😑🤣


Arthiem t1_jcvjy8z wrote

Well i leave the skin on kiwis and people look at me funny for that.

I shave them first though. Im not a Neanderthal.


FireBack t1_je1qfee wrote

Sooo, I bet summer sausage just got that much more incredible now that you're not eating the wrapping paper it comes in