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idontcarerightnowok t1_jdm2kw1 wrote

bad for him to lie about it since you set boundaries, but truthfully i don't think "2 months" is recent. Anything that's under a month is recent imo.

I get why you don't want him to watch that, but at the same time, I don't think everyone who watches porn purely watches it wanting to do whatever act possible w the person they see in said video/imagine.

If he has needs and you two aren't doing anything together and he's chosen to watch whatever to get that out of his system, I think it's a better alternative rather than him going out and cheating w different people. you two need to talk this out some more clearly.

as for going thru his phone? idk why people care about that shit lol. if you don't have anything to hide then you should be fine w your significant other going through your phone whenever. I've always given my phone password and login details for a bunch of shit to my S.O while I'm dating them because I have nothing to hide or be private about.