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casey12297 OP t1_jd57lqo wrote

I'm out of a job and doing instacart right now while I finish up my cert. Health insurance is priority 1, but very difficult when you're living paycheck to paycheck


DyreTitan t1_jd84o4r wrote

Not the best thing in the world but even part time at Starbucks offers very good benefits.


casey12297 OP t1_jd8ajms wrote

Do they offer for part time? I thought companies only offer insurance for full time employees? I'll have to look into that, thanks for the tip!


DyreTitan t1_jd8brsq wrote

Most companies are full time but a good amount do offer benefits for part time. I could be remembering incorrectly but I am 90% sure when my sister worked she was part time and had benefits. I believe there was a longer wait period until the benefits began though. I would just look at a few entry level positions at larger companies to see offered benefits. Won’t be the most fulfilling work but it’ll help pay bills and help get you needed coverage in the meantime. Plus personally any work experience you can add to resumes is always good.


LowArtichoke6440 t1_jd8fvnl wrote

I used to work part time 20 hrs per week for a school district and they offered health insurance. It doesn’t have to be a fantastic plan, just something very basic to help ward off catastrophe.