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joos1986 t1_jdulslg wrote

man the more details you share the more fucked up this comes across.

Like some mentioned, I figure they may have given you GHB.It is scary how the whole thing seems so set-up and planned out.


Hope you got it in you to go for the (hopefully) easily doable next steps people mentioned. See how it goes from there.

Bloodwork (wouldn't you want to know what it was, even if it doesn't go anywhere?), see if you can read up some more, and if possible at least have a consultation with legal representation.


I always get overwhelmed (and frequently) fuck up on things like this.

Don't beat yourself up. Throw out any self blame, it doesn't help.

The situation is at it's worst right now. You can't change that.


Every little thing you manage to do only helps your case.


You were in a situation where you were taken advantage of and harmed by people that intentionally made sure you were vulnerable.

Clear your head, look at it objectively.

You were the victim. But you don't have to feel that way.

Sober, capable, you can do things about this.