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j_blatto t1_jdwp6h0 wrote

You can't authorize something while intoxicated or under duress. It's not legally binding.


LadyBug_0570 t1_jdwr6t3 wrote

Im just saying how the cc might see it. They weren't there and all they know is he authorized it. Otherwise anyone who makes a crazy purchase on their credit card can say, "I was drunk/high/had a gun to my head when I made the purchase" and get a chargeback and cc companies are not in the business of losing money because you willingly impaired yourself.

Now, the strip club? They knew what they were doing. He needs to go to an attorney before the police for that one.


SolidPoint t1_jdyvsgw wrote

That’s how you want it to work- that’s not how it works.


j_blatto t1_je0wgym wrote

I'm not sure on CC law. I negotiate contracts for a living. A contract can't be legally binding under certain circumstances such as duress (used car salesman refusing to give you back your keys to force you to sign) or if you're not in a right state of mind.