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ajbluegrass3 t1_jbnagmv wrote

I get it. She overreacted, and definitely shouldn't have been still thinking about it, but I've had it happen several times where someone has insisted on buying me a drink, and then they feel like they have a right to kiss/grope/fuck me because they spent $5 on me. They try to tell me that I OWE them. This has happened often enough that I don't let anyone buy me anything (even dates/boyfriends) until I can trust that they're not trying to coerce me into something I don't want to do and that they won't react with rage or violence if I don't want to be physically intimate. Me refusing to let others buy me anything is a way that I can keep myself safe.


jp11e3 OP t1_jbone3s wrote

I appreciate the perspective. I know a number of people here are saying I did nothing wrong, but even without ulterior motives I do think it would've been better if I asked her beforehand and let her have the space to decide without the added pressure of already being up at the cashier. You live and you learn