Submitted by destrucciondelicada t3_122g2qs in tifu

Three days ago life was sweet, life was good, life was fine. Then I f-ed up by perusing Reddit. Saw a post in r/music about Afroman getting sued for posting music videos and home surveillance footage from a police raid at his house.

A helpful (or evil) Redditor had posted a link to Afroman’s Lemon Pound Cake video. I clicked on the link. The FU grew. I watched the video. Again and again. And again. I could not stop watching.

Now, every few minutes I yell, “lemon pound cake. Pound cake!” And cackle.

My best friend is on a keto diet. She avoids carbs and sugar. She loves lemon pound cake. A fact about her I did not know. We met this morning to go for a run together. My Afroman infection remained unabated. As we ran together, chatting, I suddenly yelled, “Lemon pound cake. Pound cake!” And cackled.

She laughed and told me, “wut?” I told her the Afroman story. I kept yelling out about pound cake. She told me I better stop because she was getting a craving for pound cake.

Yada yada yada, we abandoned the run and both ate a full pound cake each. She hates me and I feel super sick. And still, I can’t help myself, “Lemon pound cake. Pound cake!”

TL;DR: Reddit made me watch Afroman’s Lemon Pound Cake video which created an ear worm destroying my relationship with my bestie and causing me to gain ten pounds (cake).



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Yogurtbuttt t1_jdrnwyu wrote

The best place for music videos and stuff is r/sounding


SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_jds400t wrote

According to comments on other platforms, a lot of people can’t stop singing it! It’s a thing!


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_jdtjts1 wrote

I never would've known that song and video existed, or have access to any identifying details about those cops, if they hadn't gotten all butthurt and sued the man. Textbook Streisand Effect. They should be the ones writing a TIFU post here.


iannmichael t1_jdvh3ku wrote

You FU by being friends with someone who gets mad at you because you’re quoting an internet video and she is insecure.


maninmirr0r t1_jdvhj61 wrote

I wasn't gonna eat no cake,

but then I got high

I was gonna stay on my diet and get real thin,

but then I got high

I ate a whole pound cake and I know why

because I got high

because I got high

because I got high


goldhelmet t1_jdvknzl wrote

Have you considered a job in law enforcement? You may have what it takes!


destrucciondelicada OP t1_jdvwgqj wrote

😂. I may indeed. The way the officer eyed that cake is too relatable. The thing is, I don’t really even like pound cake. Would never occur to me to eat pound cake. But that dang video! Afroman is too good. So smooth. That video’s editor deserves all the awards. And maybe some pound cake! Even now, I’m still singing (and cackling) about it.


destrucciondelicada OP t1_jdvxo33 wrote

Absolutely true and same for me. No way would I have seen the video but for the post about the lawsuit. How different my life would be Lemon Pound Cake free. Do you think they regret filing the suit? Did some attorney talk them into it? Are they secretly big Afroman fans and hoped to make him even more popular? So many questions!


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_jdw8qm6 wrote

Judging by the way they rifled through his pockets and CD collection, I'm guessing that they realized they were in a pretty nice house and were looking for a piece of Afroman's pie (ie: Ca$h Money) more than a piece of his cake. Except that one portly rockstar, he'd probably shoot Afroman's grandma in the face for a doggy bag.