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Broad_Rabbit1764 t1_jbru5tb wrote

TL;DR you did exactly what you shouldn't and exactly what was expected to happen happened... Not knowing the rules is no reason to not abide by them.


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbrue74 wrote

True and I'm okay with my first ban. I can understand that and I can kind of understand my 2nd ban too but I feel like the 2nd ban wasnt necessary, especially since I break one rule and I get perma banned? I can never come back? I'd like a 2nd chance at least.


leigh094 t1_jbruxol wrote

Well you broke two because you used another Reddit account to try and get around the ban


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbrva9e wrote

Correct but Its weird bc if I had just posted only on my main account and not the first one, I wouldn't have gotten banned in the first place. So I basically break one rule that I didn't know was a rule and I get perma banned, no 2nd chances. I understand that I don't make the rules but I feel like this situation was a bit weird and it would've been okay to make my 2nd post since it was no longer breaking the first rule I broke


leigh094 t1_jbt7l0j wrote

That’s not really how rules work though lol


Broad_Rabbit1764 t1_jbrvht6 wrote

You had a second chance.


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbrvloa wrote

I didn't have a 2nd chance. I was permabanned from the subreddit after I broke the first rule which I had no idea was a rule. The reason my 2nd account got banned was because I was already permabanned from the subreddit.


MachineElfOnASheIf t1_jbrwj61 wrote

I really feel like making a new account and announcing that you did it because of all of your bans is the best thing you can do. You should try that.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_jbs0bed wrote

Your goal should be to at least find a different reason for this new account to be banned


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbs0f9w wrote

Lmao, trust me, I'm basically expecting this one to get banned just from posting this.


Sonoflyn t1_jbsasgg wrote

the "you guys can ask me for the link to the website though" is too good. Do you really never learn from mistakes? Just don't self promote. It's really not that hard. Buy advertising if you want to advertise your website.


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbsaxp4 wrote

I'm not self promoting. That's why I didn't include it in the post. I figured that if people want more details about the situation, they can ask for them.


Sonoflyn t1_jbsb4ep wrote

of course that's promotion. You're encouraging people to ask you for the link. If people actually cared, they would simply ask you. There is absolutely zero need for you mention that you're willing to share the link.


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbsbga7 wrote

I'm pretty sure that's technically not promotion. I think that linking to these resources would help people better understand the story. That's why I mentioned it. However I'm not going to include the details unless asked because that would be self promotion and that is against the rules.


Sonoflyn t1_jbsce9j wrote

well that answers the question from my first comment


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbs53ky wrote

I think it's also worth noting that my website was a bit of a threat to landlords so I don't want to create any conspiracy theories but there was a possibility that they were trying to find any reason to take down my post. Just a fun little thought in the back of my head.

Can you guys stop giving me bad karma? Lol what did I do wrong? Is the title too click baitey or is the TL;DR not accurate?


msolok t1_jbs7bri wrote

Yep, sure. It's the Real Estate agents that are coming after you.....


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbs7g6v wrote

Yep lol, I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but making my website makes me fear a little bit for my life because of what it does.


msolok t1_jbs7rzo wrote

Yeah, you're a massive target now. Blown their whole sting operation out of the water. Now even the car and boats salespeople are looking and getting concerned. They are starting to plan their attacks on you.

Nowhere will be safe. The only option you have is to dig a hole in your backyard, strip to your underwear, and sit in it with ton foil over your head.

Ohh and in case you missed it, I'm pointing out how truly ridiculous you are being. By both overstating your website, and that Real Estate agents are tracking you down.


Hour-Cap-4677 t1_jbs7zf3 wrote

It's just in the back of mind. I'm not really worried. Lol, I just be having some fun