Submitted by MoonTearChild t3_11w19lg in tifu

My workplace recently introduced a rule that we can't bring cans of drink in bc of risk of improvised weapons, so I was like "ok yea cool monster energy in a waterbottle whatever."

I didnt realise what a bad idea that was until after this had happened...

Wanting to save time between getting into work and getting into handover, I pour the can of monster into my waterbottle before I leave the house. Ride my bike to work. This is where the fuck up occurred, unbeknownst to me until it was far too late. Stepping into the - may I highlight this as important - newly painted office. I flip up the straw on my waterbottle...

And it explodes upwards in a fucking violent arc. All over the white wall. Bright pink monster. All over the desk and the floor. I was lucky to escape unsoaked honestly.

Now every time I go into the office I can see the fucking eruption stain right up to the ceiling of the office. I can't take a picture due to safeguarding issues, but reat assured this is haunting me.

TL;DR - Pressurised bottle, bike, carbonated drink and white walls do not mix.

EDIT - I work in a mental hospital for context



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lollipopfiend123 t1_jcw00ql wrote

LMAO I made this mistake as well, except that it was just seltzer water. But I put it in my water bottle with a pop up straw, and then tried to take a drink as I was driving in my car. 😅


LeeYuette t1_jcyg19k wrote

Gin and tonic in the same kind of bottle on a game drive with very bumpy tracks, car smelt like gin for about a week after!


Whitey375 t1_jcw9qbn wrote

Where do you work that an improvised weapon made from a soda can is an actual threat?


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcw9urn wrote

Mental health hospital, I think its more for regulation than actual threat but I'd rather not find out the hard way lmao


Wooden-Helicopter- t1_jcwifsi wrote

Cans can be used for self harm.


LoginPuppy t1_jcxsqfh wrote

So can plastic bottles. Plastic can be sharp and stuff too


RissoldeChocolate t1_jcy26a2 wrote

You can also eat pillow filling until you die, at some point you have to accept reality.


AnEpicTaleOfNope t1_jcybh30 wrote

In a mental hospital, I'm sure they just have to be seen to be doing their best. Cans can have very sharp edges, so it's much easier to do damage with those, and perhaps wise to remove then as opposed to other more blunt objects.


azewonder t1_jcypima wrote

You’d be amazed at the amount of things you can hurt yourself with if you put your mind to it. Won’t go into stories, but I’ve had psych nurses ask me how in the hell I did that.

There’s only one thing I could never figure out - at one place, they wouldn’t let me have cheap flip flops for showering. Of course they didn’t answer when I asked what I could possibly do with them lol

Fortunately at a much better place now!


LoginPuppy t1_jczbiqd wrote

I remember some kid who hurt himself with a pencil, my school back then had like these pencils that you could lend if you didn't have one and they were really sharp because that teacher liked it to be organised or some shit. He stabbed himself in the hand saying some shit like he has super strong skin. Spoiler alert: he didnt.


RexIsAMiiCostume t1_jczj2ms wrote

I was in the psych ward and they had to cut the metal nose piece out of our masks because one girl (who I met) had previously used one to cut herself. Fucken EVERYTHING is a potential weapon.


ennovyelechim t1_jcy7xw5 wrote

I used to work in a company that supplied a few mental health hospitals, and it was an eye opener just how many things had to be taken into consideration to keep their patients safe. It's not easy, and I can see why that can's can be dangerous as they can be very sharp if you tear them into strips. It made me feel lucky that it wasn't my burden. I did one hospital some long necked, cemented smoke bins because one patient ate the butt's and was really ill, then the replacement were long necked but not weighted which wasn't an issue until someone got hit on the head with one. So we got the Weighted ones sent out. They did the trick, but there was always something, and no matter what contingencies you put in place, a patient in a manic state can be dangerous to themselves with anything that comes to hand. It's nobodies fault, and all you can do is to make everything as safe as possible before incidents happen.


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcz6g6w wrote

Oh yeah, anything and everything can be used to endanger themselves and eachother, it would be fascinating if it wasn't terrifying sometimes haha. Also I do look after a patient that has a bad habit of eating the butts of cigs too so that seems a bit more common than I previously assumed


ThadisJones t1_jcy2xyz wrote

I was at a party in college where a girl put a full 2 liter soda bottle into a pillowcase and swung it into some boy's face. He dropped instantly and then I don't know what happened because I decided to leave before the police showed up.


u399566 t1_jcycf49 wrote

Tell everyone you tried improving your new office with a touch of Baker Miller pink...


ToronadoBubby t1_jcz02ck wrote

Flatten can long ways, flex the middle untl the edge cracks then tear in half. Instant set of 2" razors.


tallerthanu17 t1_jcw1u8w wrote

My wife did this with water when we flew one time. Had a water bottle she filled up after security checkpoint. Get on the plane and up in the air. Halfway through the flight she gets thirsty so grabs the bottle and pops up the straw. Water promptly soaks her and the guy sitting next to her— both were too stunned to move till the bottle was empty.. Fortunately the guy was a great sport about it and we laughed about it walking through the airport.


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcw1zej wrote

Thank god he was okay about it I couldn't imagine being stuck sat next to someone for hours after that if not


tallerthanu17 t1_jd3gpxu wrote

Yeah would’ve been a brutal ride if he was mad about it. Later on in the flight we hit turbulence and everyone was screaming like we were gonna die. Ol boy and my wife were clutching hands, both white as a sheet. Definitely my most interesting flying experience


ASillyGiraffe t1_jcwc2o9 wrote

Same thing happened to me once, also on a plane. I actually switched to wide mouth bottles after that...


JamieDrone t1_jcwd0dt wrote

It’s because the air pressure on a plane is less than on the ground, but the sealed bottle stays the same pressure, so upon opening, it will violently depressurize


icematt12 t1_jcxfi7u wrote

So is a solution to prevent this to keep opening and closing the bottle during ascent? Get the pressure inside decreasing in steps.


ZoraksGirlfriend t1_jcxfvex wrote

I’ve had this happen once and have avoided it since by slightly opening the bottle (where some pressure gets released) and leave it like that through takeoff and then do it again for landing.


JamieDrone t1_jcwd0zy wrote

It’s because the air pressure on a plane is less than on the ground, but the sealed bottle stays the same pressure, so upon opening, it will violently depressurize


Ktulu789 t1_jcxexzx wrote

It's interesting how you got up and down voted for the same comment.

BTW it's true.


JamieDrone t1_jcyms7t wrote

I figured I would let both ppl know, but I guess they mysterious black box that is Reddit didn’t appreciate me putting the same thing twice


myotherjobisreddit t1_jcwfv2t wrote

My mom had recently redone the kitchen in her house. My mom and her current husband don’t drink. They went to to evening mass I think which left my sister and I alone during the holidays and we wanted to have some wine. We couldn’t find a wine key, so in my infinite wisdom I decided to just push the cork into the bottle, I pushed to hard and the dark red wine splashed everywhere on the cabinets, the appliances, and floor. We cleaned things down quickly and thought we were in the clear, but then we saw the spray on the ceiling. We broke out the magic eraser though this took off some of the off white paint.

We never told her until this past Christmas. Her quote “I always wondered how those spots showed up out of nowhere.”


Pbellouny t1_jcx9sjm wrote

When we were young, home alone of course. We did similar my brother and I thought it was funny to shake up the Martinellis and pop the little top it had with the tab. Well I bet him he wouldn’t shake it the “longest” well boy was I wrong he barely touched that little tab. Next thing you know Sparkling cider has left the bottle as a rocket ship headed straight for the white ceiling now this was a vaulted ceiling 12ft high at this point of the arch. When it hit the ceiling it spread out and came down all inside the chandelier all over the dining room all over the walls and this piece of art. We were in a scramble to clean everything before our parents could return. We cleaned it all up i disassembled the globes from the chandelier cleaned them in the sink, wiped the wall but we couldn’t quite reach the ceiling. They walked in 5 minutes after the big cleanup,They didn’t notice! It wasn’t until about 10 years later they were painting the house that they noticed and we were like have we got a story for you.


CzarCastik t1_jcwaa8q wrote

Haha. Repressed memory. In kindergarten, my mom packed my lunch in a lunchbox with Thermos. In the Thermos she put Dr. Pepper. After half a day rolling around in my backpack, I put that Themos to my mouth and opened the nozzle. It’s been damn near 40 years and I still vividly remember the kinda warm Dr. Pepper shooting out my nose and all over the lunch table. I’ve never put a carbonated beverage in an enclosed container since that time.


tygerkittn t1_jcwd2ox wrote

My grandma would let coca cola sit out all night with no lid and put it in my thermos. It was flat by then so no explosions.

My mom put coke in my baby bottle and sippy cup. It's a southern thang.

I only drink water now.


Comparison-Intrepid t1_jcwgydd wrote

Can attest to it being a Southern Thang TM. Lost my first two baby teeth cause a family member kept putting me to sleep with a bottle of coke. My first surgery was a dental surgery with them ripping those teeth out. Incidentally, that’s also how we found out I was allergic to penicillin!


tygerkittn t1_jcwibip wrote

Childhood dental surgery here, too. Lol

Juice is no better, though, my two youngest loved juice and they ended up with metal caps and all kinds of dental work as toddlers. We spent tens of thousands on their teeth.

I should have given them water. I thought I was enlightened because I chose juice over cola.


Comparison-Intrepid t1_jcwlo3n wrote

I wonder if diet juice (the kind with no sugar) would make a difference or if it’s the acidity?


tygerkittn t1_jcwml1r wrote

Aspartame destroys tooth enamel so I doubt it would be better


Comparison-Intrepid t1_jcwv929 wrote

Well no juice for my future kids then I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


maohvixen t1_jcxdtoe wrote

Can I recommend watering down the juice maybe 50-50 water and juice if not even more water as an occasional treat during the day? It's what my mother did although that was more because juice is pretty sugary and not the best health wise as opposed to teeth protection.


Fennac t1_jcy5ib6 wrote

Heads up, milk is also really bad for this. There is a lot of sugar in milk. My daughter needed 2 dental procedures with laughing gas at 5 years old because the sugar in milk ate away at her teeth.


Warfink t1_jcz78kf wrote

It’s not as much the juice as the child falling asleep with the unswallowed juice and bottle still in their mouth so their mouth ph never balances back out. At least that’s what I was told.


Dancinginmypanties t1_jcya1h4 wrote

Honestly if you just brush their teeth before bed it isn't a problem to give them juice during the day. I grew up in a dental family and was always told to brush my kids teeth as soon as they start erupting. You can even get them used to it by brushing their gums when they are infants so they don't fight you. Juice and cola aren't going to eat your teeth immediately it is when it is allowed to sit on the teeth. My kids go to bed with a waterborne of water and have since they were toddlers.


d4nowar t1_jcwmbu3 wrote

Wait, what? Diet juice?


Comparison-Intrepid t1_jcwv5bd wrote

I get cranapple juice and there’s a diet version of it on the shelf next to it. I’m not 100% sure on the difference other than I don’t like the taste of the diet version


JelliedHam t1_jcwkq1u wrote

This reminds me of the time I met my wife's father the first time. I went with her to visit family out west. We took a family picnic and a grill with us on an outing up in the mountains. Getting ready for a nice hot dog I asked for the mustard. Flipped the top and proceeded to spray French's yellow all over the front of his pants and shirt. It probably launched a blast a good 5 feet.

I'm from the east coast. This whole major elevation change thing is new to me. Great first impression fml


katlian t1_jcwvqp5 wrote

We live at 4600' and most of our food gets shipped from central California. People who are new to town think most of the food at the store has spoiled because the containers are bulging when they get here. You learn quickly to poke a tiny hole in the middle of the yogurt seal and let the air out before peeling back the edge. I also have to be careful opening brand-new mason jars because the lids will stick just long enough to get the rings off then they shoot across the room with a loud pop.


Shimraa t1_jcwxz7d wrote

Went to a Renn fair once with a similar outcome. You can't bring in outside drinks to the fair, they have to make their beer money after all. I decided I needed to sneak myself some red bulls and beer in. Being a renn faire I couldn't simply be drinking cans in the open and solo cups arent much fun so I decide to fill up my water bottles/flasks with red bull. Mind you, it's an old fashion looking glass bottle/flask that's hanging off my hip. Im sure you know where this is going.

Standing around in a hat shop and I reach down to check my pocket and ever so slightly tap the bottle and boom, the whole bottom of the bottle explodes downwards covering the floor and one pantleg in a glass shard filled sugary sticky mess. There were 4 of us in the shop and everyone was equally stunned for a solid 10 seconds just staring at the mess. No injuries aside from my pride and its pretty comical to think back on.


Dr_StrangeloveGA t1_jcwidz9 wrote

I opened a new two liter bottle of Dr. Pepper in my parent's kitchen when I was in high school. It hadn't been shaken up, it was straight out of the fridge. As soon as I cracked the seal the top flew off and a geyser of soda erupted all the way to the ceiling.

Left a huge stain on the ceiling and soaked half the kitchen in sticky Dr. Pepper. That was almost 35 years ago and I don't think my parents believe to this day that my brother and I weren't horsing around. I guess it was just over pressurized from the bottling plant.


gellenburg t1_jcwgs0w wrote

I mean, there's a reason why it's called a water bottle and not a Monster™ drink bottle.


browsielurker t1_jcxnqc6 wrote

TW Gross

My mom told me that when she gave birth to my sister, my sister came out so forcefully my mom shot out a giant cannonball of blood. The doctor caught the baby, said "oh shit" and ducked out of the way real fast, and the blood splattered all over the wall. She was embarrassed, but it was cleaned up. Fast forward 3 years, she's in the delivery room with her sister. And that blood stain was still on the wall. She couldn't help but point it out to her sister and say "I did that"


legion02 t1_jcw9jmt wrote

Did this the other week with a twist off Yeti water bottle on the train. Sounded like a gun shot, though no liquid came out luckily.


farrenkm t1_jcwjlc1 wrote

Years ago, we had a bottle of sparkling apple cider we'd opened. The plastic cap had been put on it. Being the smart-ass, I wanted to pop the top off and watch it fly a little. So, I gave it a small shake and popped the top off.

Years later, you could still see the stain on the kitchen ceiling.


OkVolume1 t1_jcw3fzh wrote

Sounds like a Monster eruption.


hotbotty t1_jcygiz4 wrote

Tell them it's a Banksy.


Sheepdoginblack t1_jcyobr9 wrote

My wife and I refill our Thermo flask with soda. It’s easy to forget that it will explode when opened. It never fails during a zoom meeting.


Eternalbackpack t1_jcz6hls wrote

TIFU by being an average person that makes mistakes


e_for_oil-er t1_jcw2ftq wrote

Went to a camping once, made myself a good ol' Cuba Libre in a bottle, and carried it arround in a caddy on the rocky road to the camping beach. Needless to say that when I arrived there, the bottle was empty and the caddy, full.


Reejerey1 t1_jcwc1ro wrote

I'm confused? Cans as weapons?


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcwc6wv wrote

Aluminium cans can be sharp enough to cut skin if ripped, and I work in a mental health hospital with a lot of patients with violent potential so its a precaution we take


_fuck_me_sideways_ t1_jcwctvn wrote

Man I was hoping it was something more mundane and the rule would make less sense in some funny way. That's just sad/ understandable.


Reejerey1 t1_jcwfh3k wrote

I mean I guess. I applaud people with the patience to deal with others that have those sort of issues, its not me.


Ktulu789 t1_jcxe1e1 wrote

Everyone's wondering that. You should edit that into the op, OP 😉


Magdalan t1_jcwjal4 wrote

>recently introduced a rule that we can't bring cans of drink in bc of risk of improvised weapons

Where the fuck do you work man? O.o Prison?


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcwji1x wrote

Close! A mental health hospital


Magdalan t1_jcwnnvx wrote

Ah that would have been my second guess. A little more precaution there isn't a bad thing.


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcwp9s2 wrote

Most definitely, I've already had enough of a bad time without any improvised weapons haha, I definitely don't want to make it worse


Magdalan t1_jcwwwt7 wrote

Worked a stint in a facility for geriatric mental patients, and yeah, some things can surprise you. even though you worked with someone for 2 years already. Luckily for you this was just some food colouring on the ceiling haha. Cans weren't a problem, but I can surely see why they can be. People can get very very crafty.


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcwxbxg wrote

Yup, basically what I'm doing at the moment - elderly with complex behaviour, mental health and learning difficulties. What I don't understand is we can't have cans on unit yet we have a whole selection of about 40 DVDs in the main lounge just sat on a table, which apparently are just as effective a weapon


AnEpicTaleOfNope t1_jcycabq wrote

it's odd and not odd at the same time. Cans, once drunk from, are rubbish, and so using it as a weapon doesn't seem a share. DVDs are never rubbish, they are always useful, so perhaps people's minds don't turn to using them as something else! But i agree it's also a bit silly.

A hello also from another that used to work in such a ward. I talked to some amazing people (old chap who liked to clean the table after food, telling me about how they sanded the tables in the boats when he was in the army) and then some upsetting stuff of course (russian lady just screaming all day) and some funny (if you wanted to get out, just shout "there's the tea trolley!" so they all trundle off happily down the hall and you can use the keypad and escape). It was an adventure.


Magdalan t1_jcxcqm5 wrote

Yeah that's pretty odd. Especially since dvd's are much sturdier material too.


maohvixen t1_jcxe5c1 wrote

Basically the same thing or at least it feels the same.


SquirrelBowl t1_jcxv437 wrote

I learned this the hard way as well


110percent_canadian t1_jcxz8vg wrote

If you have a can/bottle that you even think might explode rotate it for 1mins and it won't explode


KBunn t1_jcy2bsv wrote

Something like a Hydroflask is a FAR better improvised weapon than any soda can. How are they cool with that coming onsite?


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcz48k5 wrote

For real, one of the nurses on my floor has a waterbottle that honestly must hold a few litres, it looks like a dumbell, and I'd hate to be caught over the side of the head with that one


owlseeyaround t1_jcy3ney wrote

Story time; I’m at the airport and grab a water to refill my canister…and of course, yep, carbonated. But my bottle doesn’t have a flip straw, it’s a full width screw top. Fast forward, I’m watching a movie 10,000 feet up, gets thirsty. Twissst. Nothing. Super stuck. It took all my strength to get it to budge a centimeter, at which point I realize. When I get this off, it’s going to be fucking loud. Twiiiiiiist. Creak. BAM. It’s like a gunshot, and the entire cabin whips around at me, holding a smoking metal canister like a spent cannon shell. My bad


charleswj t1_jcyqyql wrote

There was a Ghost! This is ectoplasm!


GayleMoonfiles t1_jcz819a wrote

I did this once in elementary school. Went to school with some orange soda in a bottle. Opened it up at lunch and a stream of orange soda shot to the ceiling


poofandmook t1_jd02f07 wrote

Interesting. I used to work psych intensive care but we didn't have rules like that because our nurse's station was completely enclosed and locked except for a small window near the ceiling over 5 feet up (I had to get on my toes to pass anything through to a patient).

(also worth noting that because of this, and being on the 3rd floor, the nurse's station was hot as a camel's balls in the summer. Regularly 92 degrees while the patients were freezing. So glad I don't work there anymore lol)


Coctyle t1_jcwd0qr wrote

Where the hell do you work where they are that worried about improvised weapons and you aren’t allowed to take pictures?


Petembo t1_jcxizwz wrote

" bc of risk of improvised weapons "

Jesus christ Americans are fucked you cannot bring drinks to work because of that???
