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Just_Cycle_4790 t1_je2azrj wrote

Too funny, the anesthesiologist who did my last epidural the nurses apologized saying he was in a mood, he was serious but professional, but the guy looked and sounded exactly like Philip Seymour Hoffman. He caught wind of my remark and came back saying his wife calls him Philip when she's mad and he started doing impressions during my labor it was hilarious.


bpayne123 t1_je2uzlm wrote

My husband says I fell in love with the anesthesiologist when he gave me an epidural during my first-ever birth. I mean, shoot! Wouldn’t you fall in love with a guy who took away all your pain?!


Writegrrl t1_je3248b wrote

I told the anesthesiologist who gave me my epidural that I would now be president of his fan club. The. Best.


Catatonicdrgnfli t1_je45ksj wrote

I remember saying to mine (the second kid, where the damn thing actually worked): “I’m sure you get marriage proposals all the time. But could we just be friends? I feel like you’d be a great friend.”

Of course baby was sunny side up with a giant head, so a marriage proposal wasn’t out of the question but with my husband in the room I didn’t think he’d be down for my polygamy.


daveescaped t1_je4nj38 wrote


Labor and delivery can be pretty dramatic. I watched the love of my life, my wife, fart directly in the surgeons face while she was sewing her up after the baby was delivered and she’d had an episiotomy. Like the doc was at best 4 inches away and gets a fart directly to the eyeball. Like, strong chance the doc has pink eye the next day.

And the worst part of it all is, my wife will never, ever let me tell this story.


bpayne123 t1_je4owt8 wrote

I had a episiotomy too! (Very likely because the love of my life anesthesiologist did “too good” of a job. Doc said push, I thought I was pushing when in fact I was not). Anyway, no farts, but 47 stitches for me.


fiee345 t1_je5h7n8 wrote

I’m daring to ask but how are you now? Did the recovery of that go ok? I can’t imagine how stressful that must have been to get 47 stitches


bpayne123 t1_je620al wrote

Thanks for asking! Pooping was tough for a while (thank goodness for Colace!). My OB told me to consider a c-section for future births since my perineum was (is) paper thin (think possibly leaking poo juices for the rest of my life if I had to get another episiotomy). So… I went with the c-section 16 months later with my son.

I will say recovering from the episiotomy/47 stitches was easier/less painful than the C-section. Surprisingly. But I don’t regret going that route the second time since it could’ve turned out pretty bad otherwise.


EmptyStrings t1_je5iue3 wrote

47??? How is there even room for 47 stitches? As someone who wants to start ttc soon I need to just stop reading any threads about childbirth


bpayne123 t1_je62i81 wrote

Mostly were internal/vaginal. But it went all the way to my a-hole.

I know it sounds scary but honestly I’m good now. It was worth it, and now I have an intelligent 12yo daughter who talks back to me all the time. :)


Professional_Deal565 t1_je5nyh0 wrote

Did he yell "seven!" From MI 3 when he does the countdown from 10? Most menacing number ever screamed at someone.