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Argenis_82 t1_jdeqxe2 wrote

Sorry, OP. It might not be much, but know that THIS father is proud of ya.


Sandman1990 t1_jdeymja wrote

Seconded. u/Madeline2535 took the mature approach to start and when it didn't work she stood up for herself and didn't take shit. I wish I had done a little more "not taking shit" in my teenage years.


Madeline2535 OP t1_jdf1hu3 wrote



Hawkson2020 t1_jdgmi9w wrote

As a general rule in life, it would be good to take the in-between step of talking to someone who can make that person stop before escalating to violence.

That being said, I’ve gone through high school and I know teachers may well not do anything to stop it.

In my experience staff or students stood up for me, and people only stopped fucking with me after I hurt someone badly enough. Since there was a clear paperwork trail of me complaining about that individual’s actions, I didn’t get any real punishment since it was clear the people responsible for stopping the escalation had failed in their duties.


Madeline2535 OP t1_jdf93p6 wrote

My father was fucking screaming at me.


Argenis_82 t1_jdfas69 wrote

You know, I'm all about respecting thy elders. However, sometimes thy elders need to be brought back to earth. Why don't you try and sit with him and ask him what it is that he would have done differently, aside from begging, since the approach you took wasn't the correct one? Me, personally, I see no other way.


adrolter t1_jdfjlv0 wrote

Yup. Bullies generally comprehend one, and only one, form of communication.


Firstcounselor t1_jdha0et wrote

That sucks bad. I’m sorry. Maybe when things calm down a bit, you could point out that you lost your cool when you hit the girl, but you feel like your dad lost his cool when he screamed at you. He isn’t exactly modeling self control.