Submitted by a_bit2drunk t3_11hzvqi in tifu

This morning was a Saturday morning like any other, I woke up, drank some coffee, got on with a few jobs around the house and began pottering with various hobbies while chatting with my housemate and texting my girlfriend. We have company in couple of hours so I quickly got on with it and went upstairs to get ready.

Just as I’m thinking about jumping in the shower my girlfriend texts. It’s a nude. Brilliant! I’m going to be naked anyway, and I’ll clean up straight after! I thanked her for the opportunity for a lovely Saturday morning shower wank and hopped right in to crack on with that.

Hang on. Burning. My dick is burning.

One of my hobbies. My new, scatty, bullshit hobbies my ADHD riddled brain decided it NEEDS to do before I inevitably forget happens to be chilli farming. Fucking chilli farming. What was I trying to germinate today? With no gloves? With very little regard for anything one might consider to be foresight? Fucking scotch bonnets.

My cock was on fire. In a panic I shoved it under the normal shower temperature water, nice and warm. Nope. That didn’t help. My cock is now lava. I’m now panicking even more and tears are streaming down my face. I wear glasses and can’t see shit without them. ‘I shall wash away my sorrows and get a good look at the situation here’ I think, rubbing the tears from my eyes.

So I had washed my hands. I promise I’m not that stupid. Except I am because I didn’t wash them properly, clearly, as evidenced by the eyes of fire I was now blessed with. Panic has just become blind, fiery panic.

In said panic, I grab the nearest shower gel and began scrubbing the shit out of everything with it.

Ever heard of tea tree? You know that shower gel with the mint in it? The stuff with like, way, way too much mint in it? The one known for making mens genitals feel uncomfortably minty?

For anyone wondering, mint does not cancel out spice. Fucking trust me on that. My eyes are streaming like rivers. I am wielding balls of ice and a dick of burning hatred. I feel like I’m collecting the elements to become an elemental wizard of agony. If I had farted and shit myself I suppose I would have achieved that goal and become a being of pure misery, but alas, I have failed.

I also fail at being human and was, as my username suggests, drunk last night. My bladder is full. I nearly begin to whimper, thinking of the pain I will inevitably experience. I wait as long as I can and spray cold water on my lava dick and warm water on my frosty balls.

Then the inevitable piss that is so painful I nearly slip out of the shower and Rocky Balboa myself on the toilet. I’m now sat naked on my bed seething with rage at my own stupidity while my dick burns, my balls freeze and I try to keep my eyes from melting. All the while my girlfriend laughs at me down the phone and REFUSES to take responsibility. We have guests in an hour. The day is ruined.

TLDR: got a spicy dick, watery eyes and icy balls and took a piss so painful I nearly fell out of the shower



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MordunnDregath t1_javzejz wrote

>I am wielding balls of ice and a dick of burning hatred.

I haven't heard of this D&D spell, is it homebrew?


Only4DNDandCigars t1_jaw43z5 wrote

That's a hell of an origin story. Good luck in your future endeavors, Lava Dick.


Fit_Ad_7681 t1_jax9stg wrote

Lava Dick is a great super villain name.


Only4DNDandCigars t1_jaxanlq wrote

It's part if a larger continuity. Sand vagina, lightning labia and mossy scrotum are all part of the team.


Fit_Ad_7681 t1_jaxav4i wrote

Now that's a franchise I can get behind. Better than some of the recent Marvel movies.


BitchInBoots66 t1_jax6qrg wrote

Best one I've read in ages. You definitely have a way with words op.


a_bit2drunk OP t1_jax9x85 wrote

Thanks, mate. I’m glad my misery amuses you!


BitchInBoots66 t1_jaxsmlp wrote

As someone who also has a habit of doing very stupid things I feel for you. But it's funny as fuck!


Setthegodofchaos t1_jaw8jlr wrote

Yogurt for your dick. Capsaicin is fat based, and dairy cancels out the capsaicin, getting rid of the sting. As for your eyes and balls .....idk how to help that. Just some advice from one random internet stranger to another. Hope this helps


Abject-Suggestion693 t1_jay24e0 wrote

Lava Dick out here casting spells on his penis and failing every saving throw


AurumArgenteus t1_jayiog4 wrote

Remember to always wear a rubber... gloves when you are messing with spicy peppers.


AtLaw t1_jaxk9pm wrote

My takeaway here is that you admit to pissing in the shower.


a_bit2drunk OP t1_jaxl23v wrote

Saves time. Saves water. Fail to see any issue. People who say they don’t are lying anyway and that’s lame as fuck.


goosegirl86 t1_jay533s wrote

Pissing in the shower as a female also saves loo paper. Trifecta.


riverrats2000 t1_jaxvn4u wrote

Liberal application of lemon juice was what helped me when I made the mistake of not using gloves when preparing hundreds of Tabasco peppers for drying. Hands burning due to capsaicin is so awful


nah-knee t1_jaxuxwo wrote

This is the second spicy genital post I’ve seen today


sailorsaint t1_jaxxwy0 wrote

The way to reduce Chile burn is vinegar. Chilies are a base so cut them with an acid.

Culinary 101


No_Topic_2532 t1_jay5qnw wrote

I felt horrifically bad for you til u tried blaming ur girlfriend cuz she sent a nude. Coulda just waited 15 minutes before whackin it. Hope your eyes, dick, and balls are okay though!


Amonette2012 t1_jaz1qu6 wrote

You poor darling! Try sticking it in a glass of milk. And maybe wear some gloves next time you handle your chilis!

Got pics of the chili plants btw?


TabletopThirteen t1_jaz4oli wrote

I spend a lot of time in the Idleon subreddit where they just released the Elemental Sorcerer class and this post had me so confused until I realized where I was


AutumnStars9 t1_jayog4w wrote

This is the funniest thing I’ve read in a while. Thank you for the laugh ❤️ You should be a writer btw. The way you wrote this was hilarious


Uncle-Istvan t1_jayrg1j wrote

I’m thankful I made this mistake with jalapeños before I got into growing ghost peppers and Carolina reapers


Noesiph t1_jayxt9m wrote

Updoot for the title without even reading the post


Alonest99 t1_jaz6ki6 wrote

Dick of Burning Hatred sounds like a band


goshdammitfromimgur t1_jazpnb6 wrote

Wash with oil, olive, canola, avocado what ever you have. Oil bonds with the capsaicin, then you wash the oil off with soap.


southparkdudez t1_jb96549 wrote

Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked