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boersc t1_jdzrfqo wrote

Well, at least he's open about it, instead of keeping tabs with her behind your back.

What's important is what you really, really want. What would your feelings be when he's with her? As that's what he's proposing. Could you see yourself in the same room as her, knowing you are in a love triangle? If not, then your path is clear.

Even if you see yourself being fine with this situation, his ex might not be. Even if she agrees, she might just do so in order to 'win him back'. After all, you're 'the other woman' as far as she is concerned.

It's a very tricky situation and definitely one we, internet warriors, can give a final solution to. Just be careful and make sure you brace for disappointment.


[deleted] OP t1_jdzvn03 wrote

That is also a very good consideration. At this point I find the idea very painful, but I don't want to dismiss it so quickly and would rather have a little time to think about it, maybe understand more where this comes from.

Yeah, I already feel like 'the other one' when thinking about being in this love triangle.. But I don't know her, so its hard to imagine how she would think about all this..

Internet warriors.. I like that :) and thanks for the advice, another good one!