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3rdiko t1_jax9jwe wrote

This isn’t a fuck up. You were genuinely trying to do something nice and your girlfriends disorder didn’t allow her to enjoy herself. It’s not your fault and she shouldn’t give you a hard time for it. It wasn’t intentional.


RosieQParker t1_jax9mda wrote

I mean, did you expect a farmer's market in Alberta in March to be produce-forward?


drakoran t1_jaxch5v wrote

I looked up ARFID and it sounds like just being picky.

I was a picky eater when I was a kid, I would generally only eat plain hamburgers, French fries, cheese or pepperoni pizza, fried chicken or macaroni and cheese

The only condiments I would eat were ketchup or ranch. I wouldn’t eat anything with sauce. I wouldn’t eat vegetables, etc.

That being said I grew up and got over it. You didn’t fuck up by taking her to a farmer’s market, your girlfriend fucked up by never growing up and learning to eat real food like an adult.

You fucked up because you have enabled her like her parents did, by allowing her to eat like a child and normalizing her dislike of food. I wish my parents would have been better about forcing me to eat more things when I was young because even though I will eat many more foods and I am not afraid to try new things, I still have bad eating habits many years later.


TuckerCarlsonsOhface t1_jaxe33y wrote

Typically farmer’s markets are for food/produce, and less about arts/crafts.


robbie5643 t1_jaxfpv3 wrote

Yeah you should google that condition. Idk how old you two are but from what I can find this is something that affects toddlers and children… Someone mentioned below behaving similarly but they put in work to grow out of it. Today wasn’t a fuck up, if anything you should be doing more things like this. Gonna have to be honest, not a huge fan of the dynamic here from the snapshot I’ve gotten so far. Definitely seems like she knows she’s behaving childishly but doesn’t want to confront it so is placing the blame on you in a really odd public way. Just seems odd, clearly I don’t know your whole relationship but be careful. Make sure you aren’t frequently being scapegoated in this relationship.


Goose1535 t1_jaxl0s7 wrote

She made you post this? Like she wants you to feel bad for trying to do something nice for her? Wtf


dickwestfront t1_jaxng74 wrote

Posts like this make me appreciate my wife even more than I already do. Jesus fucking Christ.


YourLifeCanBeGood t1_jaxsigy wrote

She made you post that. ...Do you make her do things?

Sounds like she sees herself as superior to you--and wants you humiliate you (even anonymously) because you displeased her.

Was there any gratitude for your effort?

OP--keep your eyes open. And don't let her take your dignity.


stifledAnimosity t1_jaxw6nk wrote

Yes, it does affect children and toddlers. And then they grow up, they don't necessarily grow out of it. Such is her case.

Honestly, I don't post much about myself, so she usually tells me to post random shit as a joke. She didn't think I actually would this round, because I found it to be a funny, "oh well, lesson learned" type bit


JayKirkendall t1_jay7ts5 wrote

"She made me post this"

Woooow. Good luck going forward.


robbie5643 t1_jaycnub wrote

Ok but as someone pointed out below this is something adults should work on and by no means should they be putting the onus on others. Is she actively in therapy for this? I mean if not it’s fine I guess but this is the equivalent of “my mom always cleaned up after me so I don’t know how to clean”.

I just think myself and the other commenters are pretty surprised she (and you for that matter) are pretty dead set on this being your fuck up. From the outside it looks like someone complaining about a date you put a lot of work into because they refuse to work on eliminating childish habits. I mean if someone can’t eat anything at a farmers market you need some like machine learning algorithm to plan any kind of date that isn’t in guess chicken fingers and French fries…


Wild-Painting9353 t1_jayctum wrote

I don't see tfu. Why would she say this was bad? Ok. So she enjoyed it less than you did. You did nothing wrong.


twilightmysteryxx t1_jaydg0r wrote

Where is the fuck up? U just wanted to do something nice for your girlfriend, it was sweet and it isn't your fault your gf didn't end up liking it.


Skrublord3000 t1_jayew0a wrote

ARFID is very real and is more than just “being picky” or an “annoying baby”.

That being said, ARFID is not the issue here. OP, your girlfriend sounds like an absolute dick. Good luck to you.


kaleidoscopema t1_jb0sujg wrote

"she" made me post this

Have fun, you strange pair of attention seeking internet whores