Submitted by Lance971 t3_126xf5z in tifu

I (22M) had a busy day today. I’m in the process of finding a new job and I had more than 3 interviews. I worked from 8 to 12 in the morning. Left work, attended 3 interviews at 3 different corners of my city. I’d come home and I’d given word to my cousin id help him out with his work, cleaning commercial windows. I didn’t finish until 10. I got back home around like 10.30 ish and called my girlfriend. We’ll she’s not my girlfriend cause we haven’t made it official yet but we both consider we’re a couple but we don’t wanna put a name to it. She said she’d never missed me more that how much she’s missed me today. I honestly did miss her too. I just didn’t have the time to call her and have a proper chat all day. It was just short texts and calls. We both really missed each other and we both were extremely horny too. I told her come to mine and she agreed. She told me don’t fall asleep I’ll be there in 35 mins. I agreed, I told myself I should go open the door for her if I fall asleep but my bad luck that just remained a thought. She got to mine and left 13 missed calls and god knows how many texts. I live with people in my house and the house has a doorbell but she’s just an extremely anxious person. I woke up at 5.30 this morning in shock and I rang her. I immediately knew I fucked up. The guilt has never hit so hard. She didn’t pick up and she texted me saying what the fuck I want. I apologised saying I’m sorry and it was an honest mistake but that just invited more abuse. She’s telling me she got lost on the way back cause she was crying even tho she’s made that trip more than 100 times now and somehow ended up on the expressway which is 5kms further west of where she’s supposed to go. I feel bad and can’t believe how stupid I was. But also, she could’ve just rang the doorbell. She is no stranger in my house. Everyone knows her. And how do you get lost when you drive the same road more than 20 times every week. I texted her I’ll make it up to her and she said my texting is shit and it’s making her more angry. Any suggestions how can I make the situation better ? B

TL;DR I was stupid and fell asleep when I asked my girlfriend to come see me and left her stranded at midnight. She’s furious and I need to win her back



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nightowl_i t1_jebrhlm wrote

Next time chew on something, chewing keeps you awake.

Also I understand her situation, nobody wants to wake people up at night that will make them think what inconsiderate girl she is.

She was crying and its middle of the night, even if you make 100 trips before you still can get lost when you are emotional and drift away in thoughts, so stop blaming her and own your mistake, make it upto her.


trvllvr t1_jecqb3d wrote

Or if you know you are tired, set an alarm to wake before her expected arrival time. So, in case you fall asleep you’ll wake before she arrives.


AudacityLivesHere t1_jec8p0p wrote

It's in the middle of the night. Why would she ring the doorbell? It's rude to ring the door bell that late.

Bruh. This ain't on her.


ThadisJones t1_jebv5bc wrote

>not my girlfriend cause we haven’t made it official yet but we both consider we’re a couple but we don’t wanna put a name to it



Bigdaddylovesfatties t1_jebh3l6 wrote

Do you want to continue with her? Apologize and show her you care with action


luigiram t1_jebfxv8 wrote

Damn bro, been there before. Honestly, let it cool off and surprise her with flowers/gift. There is that fine line of waiting too long and going too soon. You know her best but texting and apologizing only made it worse for me since she was still pissed off. She knows deep inside it was an honest mistake so just let time do it’s thing.


trvllvr t1_jecq6j9 wrote

Send a whole hearted apology explaining. Say that you understand she is upset and will give her space, but that you do care for her and hope she can forgive you. Maybe do something nice for her, send her flowers or something she would like.


Slash_Raptor92 t1_jecon9p wrote

Seems like she's taking the fact that you fell asleep personally, but she knew what a busy day you had.