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WanchaiWhite t1_jcwyneu wrote

You should re-arrange hers in revenge, she might not know it yet but her thyme is cumin


TheUselessOne87 t1_jcyfir3 wrote

I'd say we communally own the spices, i say "my" cuz i do most of the cooking and i pay for groceries. we don't have separate spices lol.

I'm not gonna take my revenge, she wanted to help me and did a lil oopsie. pretty sure getting pepper sprayed is good enough of a reminder to not use an electric blower anywhere near spices. fuck ups happen, this one happened to be pretty bad only cuz it happened to be with cayenne pepper.


WanchaiWhite t1_jcyftl2 wrote

To be honest I just needed an excuse to use the play on words