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GeofryHempstain t1_jdf5yk2 wrote

It's okay friend, we all wreck our cars. I've fixed a Toyota Highlander that has been wrecked 3 seperate times in the last 6 months. That's what insurance is for.


Dr-Rjinswand t1_jdf8jnx wrote

> Toyota Highlander that has been wrecked 3 seperate times in the last 6 months

Erm… can accident every 2 months is absurd. Maybe you shouldn’t be so blasé about wrecking cars, haha.


GeofryHempstain t1_jdfh4db wrote

I make my living repairing people's mistakes, I can't help but be blasé about what is a routine day for me lol.


Significant_Phase467 t1_jdfvfsn wrote

No we don't. I've never been in an accident. 3 times is a lot for most people overall, much more so in 6 months.


GeofryHempstain t1_jdh8ayq wrote

The average, 12000 mile per year driver gets in an accident once every seven years. There are drivers who have driven a million miles and never had an incident. Just because it hasn't happened yet does NOT mean it will never happen. Stay vigilant friend.