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bStewbstix t1_jdf5wz9 wrote

You’re a new driver and you made an error, sounds like no injuries and that’s great news. I’m assuming there’s insurance and it might go up but that’s ok, in time it will get better. There’s a new car coming so there must be money for cars and cars can be replaced. Dad wants to be mad, let him, he’ll get over it in time. I appreciate your desire to be safe, get out there and practice driving more!


chaos021 t1_jdf5xsy wrote

Without any other details, it just sounds like a panic-induced accident. At least it didn't seem intentional. Like your mom said stuff happens. However, if you're gonna be on the road as a driver, you've gotta find a way to handle your anxiety. It's not gonna just go away on its own or as you age, and your parents won't always be sitting next to you to give you directions either. I've seen a couple anxious drivers cause accidents the same as reckless drivers.


GeofryHempstain t1_jdf5yk2 wrote

It's okay friend, we all wreck our cars. I've fixed a Toyota Highlander that has been wrecked 3 seperate times in the last 6 months. That's what insurance is for.


Dr-Rjinswand t1_jdf8jnx wrote

> Toyota Highlander that has been wrecked 3 seperate times in the last 6 months

Erm… can accident every 2 months is absurd. Maybe you shouldn’t be so blasé about wrecking cars, haha.


GeofryHempstain t1_jdfh4db wrote

I make my living repairing people's mistakes, I can't help but be blasé about what is a routine day for me lol.


Significant_Phase467 t1_jdfvfsn wrote

No we don't. I've never been in an accident. 3 times is a lot for most people overall, much more so in 6 months.


GeofryHempstain t1_jdh8ayq wrote

The average, 12000 mile per year driver gets in an accident once every seven years. There are drivers who have driven a million miles and never had an incident. Just because it hasn't happened yet does NOT mean it will never happen. Stay vigilant friend.


hockeypup t1_jdf8clb wrote

Accidents happen. Your dad is way overreacting. Less than a month after getting my license I hit a tree. My dad just sighed that he knew he should've put collision insurance on my car, and then got it fixed for me anyway. No one was hurt, so no one was mad.


Squigglepig52 t1_jdhquwu wrote

Well, except not really.

First, it's an expensive mistake, that's a legit reason to be upset. Second, it was a "dumb" mistake. I'm not coming down on OP, but finding out how anxious a driver your kid is at this point is also stressful.

And, last - this accident was a no harm one, but it could easily have been vastly worse. that kind of thing is also upsetting to a parent.

Now, if Dad holds this over them forever, he's out of line, but being upset for a day or so? not really out of line.


Boredandsleeps t1_jdf7j1u wrote

You don't need to stress about this from the sounds of if it sounds like an honest mistake and no one got hurt, your dad however needs to cool his jets though.

I'm more appalled by his reaction to the car then he is worried about you.

As for your driving I get where your coming from I got my license a few months ago as well so get being nervous driving on your own but you can't stay that kind of driver forever, it makes you dangerous being a nervous driver.

It will get easier with time but try to remember to calm yourself before driving and you'll be just fine.


wHaTtHeSnIcKsNaCk t1_jdf8n4h wrote

no he didn't care at all about the car being damaged, he cared that i drove recklessly and caused an accident. he was glad i was safe but he was so mad that i had gone the wrong way and freaked out and made such a dumb mistake in a dangerous way.


chaos021 t1_jdff623 wrote

That sounds more like he was getting angry at the thought you being harmed or killed. I know it probably doesn't seem like that right now, but I think you should talk to him about it some time later.


LadyLoki91 t1_jdf6sir wrote

I was in an at-fault car accident 12 years ago. I got t-boned by another driver who was going very fast. I was shook but otherwise unharmed. The other driver got hurt pretty bad but lived. I went through the same mental and emotional hell, but my parents were just thankful that I was okay. I was too scared to drive for a few weeks. It sucks that your dad isn't being sympathetic with you, but you're not alone. Countless other people have similar wrecks with worse outcomes. You made a mistake, yes, but nobody got injured and you acknowledge it. That's the first step in recovering from a wreck. Just take it easy on yourself and breathe. You'll be okay.


frodolass0327 t1_jdf80t2 wrote

I’m sorry you’re going through this. Everyone will calm down and it will be okay. This is just one of those things that happen.


LowArtichoke6440 t1_jdfmi7c wrote

It happens. What matters is that everyone is okay. If you’re not a confident driver in terms of having certainty in following driving directions, use the app Waze to reliable direct you how to drive from point A to point B. There’s a Settings option to avoid highways, tollways, etc.


Neenknits t1_jdfoxfq wrote

This is a money problem, not a flesh and bone problem. It WILL be ok. What you need to do is practice what to do when you make a wrong turn. Everyone makes wrong turns. You need to learn to evaluate where you are on the road, which lanes go straight and which turn, and accept that you may have to just go where your lane wants, and fix it afterwards. Much MUCH safer in the long run.

Be glad your first mistake didn’t involve flesh and bone.


Forsaken-Mine-2911 t1_jdhftx9 wrote

Sounds like your dad was just worried and in his relief mixed with fear he overreacted. Just talk to him. He will calm down and most likely apologize for overreacting. As a parent I have frequently overreacted and had to go back to my kids and apologize and tell them I was just worried and will try and do better. Parenting is hard. Accidents happen. Your dad will be better next time.


propanenightmare69 t1_jdhoh43 wrote

I don't think you could have killed her going 10mph or whatever from a yield. You'll be fine, the family is just freaked out because car accidents can kill people so they obviously want you safe. Just try to remember in the future, it doesn't matter if you miss a turn or have to take a longer route, it's fine. Being a few minutes late isn't the end of the world, this is just an early (and relatively non-life changing) lesson. Try to keep calm in the future and just decide how to re-route if something changes, don't worry about the few minutes lost.


RstyKnfe t1_jdik0wt wrote

You didn’t ruin your family, friend. You’re a new driver and no one was injured. Time will heal this. Just be as honest as you can and try to make good on paying for some repairs. You’ll be fine.


zedsdead79 t1_jdj58fv wrote

It happens to everyone at some point. Your dad seems like kind of overreacting, you'd think he'd be more concerned about you and your mom. Insurance exists for a reason. Learn your lesson and move on. Stop thinking about "what ifs".


havutin t1_jdk4qze wrote

I've had my license for around half a year at this point. A few of months ago I was driving from a ski resort with a couple of my friends. A car in front of me was driving annoyingly slow around 70km/h on a 100km/h road. I was tired and desided to overtake the car in front of us. I saw another car coming towards us but because it was dark I thought that it was way further back than it actually was. Once I was next to the car I was overtaking I noticed the oncoming being much closer. Once I had returned to my lane I was driving around 130-140km/h. There was still some distance between us and the oncoming car so it wasn't a close call by any means, but I still think about the recklessness of that move. Lesson learned.