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umassmza t1_jdsjevj wrote

Own it, go right in and say, “Look, I was the guy you cut off this weekend at /location. My adrenaline shot right up and I didn’t realize it was you. It won’t happen again.”

If he says something about not cutting you off, just say you want to move on and forget it happened.


Tautochrone1 t1_jdslrlv wrote

Dont say "it won't happen again" if the boss actually cut you off. Say "if I had realized it was you i would not have flipped you off" and leave it at that. Boss is still in the wrong about cutting him off.


Loko8765 t1_jdsl0xp wrote

Well, you do that if you are dead certain you were recognized. And if you are dead certain the boss will not prefer to ignore it.