Submitted by Agile_Tree1468 t3_11r0jts in tifu

My (27F) sister (29F) and her husband (31M) had gone on a trip to our home town for some buisness they had to take care of, and they asked me to take care of their appartment and their pets while they were gone; the one thing they asked me not to do is to bring people over. I respected this rule until my bf and his friend were almost kidnaped on the second to last day of their trip. They managed to run away and no harm was done to them, except we were all sttattered and alarmed for the weeks that went by after the fact. During the first night my bf told me he even had a panick attack and I was scared also, because in my sister's appartment there are noises during the night that make it seem as if somebody is inside. Me and my bf were so scatterd that we decided to spent the night together, and I invited him over to my sister's appartment without her knowing. (For the record: my bf and I did not do anything seggsual or anything, we just saw a movie and kept each other's company).

On the next morning, my bf helped me clean up everything, and left the apartment early necause he had to travel to his home town for a medical procedure he had to do, and also to be with his family for a while.

I knew what I did was wrong so that afternoon I called my sister and told her what happend, and explained to her why i did what i did.

When they came back they were mad at me, and I understand that. She told me that I'm behaving like a teenager, she called my bf a coward for going to his home town and leaving me alone, and how could she trust me with her appartment now, because they are going on a trip on a few weeks and they wanted me to take care of the apartment again. She also told me that she dosen't want anyone of my friends to be around her house what so ever. She dosen't even want to talk to my bf at all, not even if he tryes to apollogise or explain himself (I haven't told by bf yet).

I apologised to her for braking her trust, and abusing her hospitallity. I do feel bad for doing that, but I also think my sister and her husband are being a little missjudgmental to my bf and blaming him for things he didn't do. I don't know what to do, I don't want my sister not to trust me, I do want my sister to get along with my bf, but she made it clear that she dosen't like him although they only have seem each other twice and not spoken mutch. Under different circumstances I wouldn't have broken my promise. Any advises?

TL;DR: my sister told me not to have anyone over, but my bf and I were scared to be alone because he was almost kidnapped. I told my sister after the fact, and I apollogise but she's still mad at me (rightfully so), and is not very found of my bf because of that.



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stylesuxx t1_jc63tf4 wrote

I don't see the problem, you did your sister a favor by looking after her apartment and had your boyfriend over because of special circumstances. If she can not tolerate that then maybe she should be looking for someone else to look after her apartment while she's not here?


BiCDBear t1_jc67sgl wrote

Are you sure she's your sister, not your mum?

  1. You exercised your judgement in special circumstances.
  2. Your bf did nothing wrong, so blaming him is a dick move.
  3. You're an adult.

If she wants you to look after her apartment again, she'd need start by apologising. Now.

Edit: what stylesuxx said.


FillThisEmptyCup t1_jc9wqdn wrote

> I respected this rule until my bf and his friend were almost kidnaped on the second to last day of their trip.

Sure, skip over the single interesting part.

> For the record: my bf and I did not do anything seggsual

And here I thought you were gonna be over easy.


jcaarow t1_jc6oui9 wrote


Wait what sub am I on?


FillThisEmptyCup t1_jc9wvl1 wrote

Probably your fourth or fifth one of the evening, if you’re the average 400lb redditor.


jcaarow t1_jca6ocx wrote

Nah I'm the below average 120lb Redditor


ChaoticCherryblossom t1_jc8g7an wrote

Sounds like an emergency, I think she'll understand once the betrayal feeling wears off


Jojo131987 t1_jc6liqy wrote

You are doing her a favour. She should be more accomodating.


1a2b3c4d00000000 t1_jc6uyz1 wrote

I agree with your sister. I really don’t like people in my house when I’m not home. She trusted you to stay there. Not your boyfriend. I would have been upset with your boyfriend staying there too. I don’t understand being 27 years old and being scared of noises in the apartment at night to the point that you’re afraid to stay alone. Sounds like an excuse to have him over.


systemprocessing t1_jcbsogm wrote

For her side, yeah what you said makes sense, but, assuming this is real, the bf getting out of a kidnapping is a pretty fucking big reason, not excuse.


Squigglepig52 t1_jc6yyqu wrote

Well, yeah, you broke an agreement over a boundary. Breaking her trust isn't going to win you points.


Useful_Experience423 t1_jc7r5fx wrote

Wtf? And how exactly should OP have handled this? Her bf calls her late at night, scared out of his wits and OP just says, ‘Sorry babe, can’t come here. Rules are rules!’

Nope. That’s dumpable behaviour and if someone is doing you a effing favour, you can at least be reasonable in emergency circumstances.


OkGrade1686 t1_jcohb4v wrote

Give your sister the middle finger. If she doesn't care to review your circumstances, then you should not care about hers

From my point of view, watching someone's house and dependants is not a reward. They can take their pets into their vacation and leave the plants at the mercy of God.

If she doesn't care to view you as an adult capable of taking relevant decisions if need be, then she should not burden you with adult responsibilities. She wants to choose her cake and eat it too.