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oakteaphone t1_jdj1y8b wrote

I really have to wonder if any questions asked by OP were left


Key_Wallaby4604 OP t1_jdjbiou wrote

Not at all. Understandable and reasonable suspicion for sure. Imo it would have been pointless to post the story if I left out any details like that. Would really be no reason to be surprised by her reaction if I asked anything more intrusive than what was stated. Again, it’s Reddit though and your suspicion is legit! Lol


oakteaphone t1_jdjedce wrote

I mean, accidentally asking personal questions is a TIFU.

But if it was no more than what you said, it sounds like their FU, lol...

But given your wife agreed, maybe it was HOW you asked? Haha


Key_Wallaby4604 OP t1_jdk53dz wrote

Perhaps. I don’t know them in great detail. I understand that. So maybe this triggered the situation.


Vehopsiraptor t1_jdkcsgp wrote

I don't like personal questions from anyone. My life is my business. However, I have a tolerance for what is personal and too personal. Either way, I don't get upset.


AlligatorTree22 t1_jdkcolp wrote

When I was reading the story, I saw it going in the direction of "she was talking to her mom and thought I was creepy". So maybe my gut instinct isn't wrong. Maybe she knew the person in front of you more personally and thought you were being weird by adding onto a personal conversation that you had nothing to do with?

Pure speculation, obviously. Either way, no FU here.


ComfortableAd3747 t1_jdkjfo5 wrote

Don't alter your daily routine. You did nothing wrong. Shop as you desire, you dont need to be friends with them if they do not reciprocate the feeling


Prestigious_Bad2031 t1_jdkmre7 wrote

Better not go back, something weird might end up in his lunch... Since they created the mess in their head