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nightowl_i t1_jd3wec8 wrote

Wow what a tool, you wanted to sleep with her sister too.....whats next their mother and father?


ApocalypseSpokesman t1_jd4aldq wrote

What's wrong with that? Sisters also need dong.


Key_Wallaby4604 t1_jd4jrtb wrote

Lol you’re a wild boy. Actually did not try to smash her sister. It was just wild that she reached out a few weeks after the encounter with her sister.


ApocalypseSpokesman t1_jd4knvw wrote

Well, either way, I really don't get u/nightowl_i's objection.

Why would it be a negative thing if you had sex with the sister?


Key_Wallaby4604 t1_jd4lksy wrote

I can see it from both sides. I can understand why some would see it as “wrong”. In my defense, I didn’t jump at the opportunity when her sister messaged me. I pretty much didn’t think it was my place to tell her. Especially since it was a one time thing.


HotSplitCobra t1_jd3sy1d wrote

Good of you to avoid the bedroom. If you hadn't declined you would surely be married by now.


MajestaHazel t1_jd5svr0 wrote

She’s a bad mom to fuck a stranger (to her child) on the couch. She’s a bad mom to have you over at all while her child was home. Gross gross gross! Y’all nasty.


Key_Wallaby4604 t1_jd4jy6k wrote

Lol damn. Down votes are harsh af, man. This was a decade ago.


aussie_nub t1_jd5bjyl wrote

It's reddit, don't sweat it. Not even sure why people are that bent out of shape. Sounds like you were pretty clear with what you wanted and didn't chase the sister either. With hindsight, you probably should've just let it be, but wasn't so bad.