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ToBleepOrNotToBleep t1_jcog5fa wrote

My oven is quite literally older than me. It's one of those old Hotpoints from the 80s


xeim_ t1_jcoh59f wrote

Maybe time for a new oven instead. I got one of those countertop ovens instead cause the stovetop ones always break, I'm surprised your Hotpoint's even working still. They really don't make em like they used to.

And I know how annoying that update pop up is, used to have an A52 for a while.


ToBleepOrNotToBleep t1_jcpp4ka wrote

It's not my call unfortunately. I'm leaving this apartment here soon and if they can't even fix an AC for 6 months or a moldy ceiling in 4 months then I dont have much hope that they'd update the appliances. My toilet is from 1988 and the chain literally corroded off.