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SkyrimIsForTheNerds t1_jdeuvw2 wrote

Good thing you aren’t friends with her anymore. You sound ableist af.


MysteriousMist24 t1_jdex12k wrote

Not wishing a baby to be born disabled makes me ableist? 🤨


SkyrimIsForTheNerds t1_jdeyv0m wrote

You don’t even know what’s wrong with her but you assume she shouldn’t have kids as a result.


MysteriousMist24 t1_jdf02lg wrote

She didn't speak about it much and I didn't bring it up. Sometimes it would come up in conversation like chronic pain, diabetes, having to wear a leg brace or a walking stick when she doesn't have the brace. She has to wear a feeding tube last time we spoke. She has other conditions but we never spoke about them. She said her mom's the same and she inherited her mom's disability.