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WiggyDaulby t1_jdvt67g wrote

You are judgemental, you said the guy is an ass who insults people, is hard to be around and exposes himself to children younger than himself because he wears tight legging type trousers, and that it insults you.

All humans judge, it’s a natural thing in society so no need to shy away from that.

It just seems like you aren’t going to take in any advice about the situation or take any other perspective unless it is supportive of your view which is fine but I’m not sure you’re going to find the answers you’re looking for on here.

I’d state that telling others how to dress because you don’t like it is insulting but you disagree, that’s cool.

The only thing I’d suggest is speaking to others who also find it insulting and write/email a collective letter signed by all those who feel insulted and send it to the senior members of the faculty at your school outlining the issues you have and ways they can be dealt with in agreement with all those are insulted and see how that can be of any use. If no immediate change be persistent and then at least then you have proof of contact with the school about the concerns you have for any future issues being raised.


[deleted] OP t1_jdvtxae wrote



WiggyDaulby t1_jdvv26c wrote

What opinion are you appalled by? I haven’t said anything that’s shocking or controversial.

Good luck with your issue though, I hope you manage to resolve it using your own methods.


[deleted] OP t1_jdvvdwd wrote



WiggyDaulby t1_jdvwwon wrote

I only know as much about the situation as you say, you never made any mention of sexist or derogatory comments so how can I condone that or imply I condone that when you have never mentioned that at all?

You’re now making up a narrative to make yourself feel better which is just ridiculous.

You say you aren’t judgemental and that it’s just him but you are now saying I condone sexism which is by definition judgemental and a completely unfounded accusation.

What a rollercoaster this conversation is.


[deleted] OP t1_jdvxk9i wrote



WiggyDaulby t1_jdw0esf wrote

I’m not reading other comments I’m reading yours and mine.

You said he’s constantly throwing insults at girls and teachers, that doesn’t state that it’s sexism or implies as such. Insults towards girls/women aren’t automatically sexist, they can just be mean statements.

Cherry picking ambiguous statements you’ve made and then accusing someone of condoning sexism when you don’t explain details of your statements is just immature and as insulting as telling someone how to dress imo.

Learn the definitions, you’ll have a better understanding of the waffle you’re chatting right now.