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PanamaMoe t1_jdon15k wrote

Next time you see her and if you try the thing crack a joke about it not being sweaty this time; life is awkward until you start laughing at it after that point it's funny


NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdongzr wrote

Actually that's not a bad idea, I should embrace the comedy of it because I have no idea how else to get over the embarrassment.


Distinct-List-735 t1_jdpzk2d wrote

I really wish I realized that as a teenager. I was mortified of embarrassing myself at school so I would ditch class and sit in the bathroom stalls. I hated myself. Now that I've learned to laugh at myself, I don't think twice about these things.


XBakaTacoX t1_jdt2vfj wrote

That's interesting, because it's probably more likely that your old classmates remember how you used to ditch class and hide away, over the awkward/embarassing moments.


Distinct-List-735 t1_je1f45s wrote

Oh totally. I was a super strange and extremely troubled teen. I was creating a lot of problems for myself.


XBakaTacoX t1_je237rk wrote

I think most of us have regrets and whatnot from our childhood that we'd rather not remember. Definitely best not to think about them that often, and ideally, learn from them.

Unfortunately, I seem to have the ability to remember a lot of really small and VERY insignificant moments where something awkward happened and I am cursed to cringe at myself or others whenever I think about them.

It's anxiety inducing, it's that bad... Why am I like that?

Anyways, the advice stands, and I really need to take my own advice, haha.