Submitted by NotSoMuch_IntoThis t3_121z68q in tifu

So I (26F) have been going to the same gym for about a little over a year now. During this time I befriended one of the girls who happen to workout at the same time as I do. Part of this friendship is a stupid game I play with her by hiding those little paper-wrapped candies in one of my two hands and she guesses in which hand it might be (I give it to her either way). The thing is, I keep these candies in my pocket and I usually see her before I work out. This time, I didn't see her until I finished my workout. I did our stupid game and gave it to her. As soon as she touched it, she dropped it on the bench next to her, buried her head in her phone, and started to act standoffish. I didn't think much about it but some moments later it dawned on me. I had just had the most vigorous workout I have had in a while (160-180 BPM for 45mins) with this paper-wrapped candy in my freaking pocket and it must've been soggy as all hell by the time I handed it to her. All I wanna do rn is bury my head in the sand.

TL;DR: gave a girl a paper-wrapped candy that had been in my pocket for an entire 45min workout and she was rightfully disgusted.



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Ladydi-bds t1_jdo8liu wrote

That stinks. I am sure when you see her again, you will get ot sorted out and let her know what happened.


NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdo8y1h wrote

Literally. I will probably stop giving her any candy for a while, until I get over it at least.


UnkindPotato t1_jdpvm95 wrote

Give her one wrapped in plastic and make a joke about "Yeah I figured after last time I'd take better precautions"


PanamaMoe t1_jdon15k wrote

Next time you see her and if you try the thing crack a joke about it not being sweaty this time; life is awkward until you start laughing at it after that point it's funny


NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdongzr wrote

Actually that's not a bad idea, I should embrace the comedy of it because I have no idea how else to get over the embarrassment.


Distinct-List-735 t1_jdpzk2d wrote

I really wish I realized that as a teenager. I was mortified of embarrassing myself at school so I would ditch class and sit in the bathroom stalls. I hated myself. Now that I've learned to laugh at myself, I don't think twice about these things.


XBakaTacoX t1_jdt2vfj wrote

That's interesting, because it's probably more likely that your old classmates remember how you used to ditch class and hide away, over the awkward/embarassing moments.


Distinct-List-735 t1_je1f45s wrote

Oh totally. I was a super strange and extremely troubled teen. I was creating a lot of problems for myself.


XBakaTacoX t1_je237rk wrote

I think most of us have regrets and whatnot from our childhood that we'd rather not remember. Definitely best not to think about them that often, and ideally, learn from them.

Unfortunately, I seem to have the ability to remember a lot of really small and VERY insignificant moments where something awkward happened and I am cursed to cringe at myself or others whenever I think about them.

It's anxiety inducing, it's that bad... Why am I like that?

Anyways, the advice stands, and I really need to take my own advice, haha.


sonlearn5 t1_jdo9lp8 wrote

oh, that wasn't your fault. well, actually it was, but it wasn't your intention. sometimes we think too much while other people don't think so much and simply judge what we do (in this case your friend), just let it go and try to forget about it. shit happens.. it was just a funny story that you will laugh in the future


NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdob900 wrote

Yeah definitely not beating myself up over it but I'm still cringing. Thank you for your kind words!


GeeAyeAreElle t1_jdpuju7 wrote

Next time hand her a bag of candies and make a joke that they aren't sweaty and you owe her this much for last time.


NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdpuqjk wrote

Seems like my only option haha.


GeeAyeAreElle t1_jdpuvil wrote

Its really not a big deal. Who knows she could have got a shitty text from someone and was immediately distracted and didn't even notice the candy..

If she did yeah your best bet is to joke and move on. You can make it a thing. Hey want another soggy candy? Lol.


VG88 t1_jdqa8a1 wrote

Just apologize to her next time you are her, lol. Try to laugh it off. If that doesn't work, eh.


Shedidthisforme t1_jdqnbgg wrote

All you have to do is man up and apologize about what happened. Owning the situation would def make you look great in her eyes.


NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdqow71 wrote

You're probably right. I'll get her a cookie or something to "make up" for the candy and crack a joke about it.


Shedidthisforme t1_jdqp3v4 wrote

For sure, then hopefully it’ll become a memory that you can both look back at an laugh at. Keep your head up.


Blue2403 t1_jdqo0ee wrote

Go to a different gym. That’s rough. I mean BRUTAL


jmarmolejo t1_jdqqw72 wrote

Who in the world gives candy to a girl, in the real world?

Yes, it is a stupid game you play in the gym, either before or after workouts!


NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdqrgf4 wrote

What a sad life you live where you can't share candy with your friends. I always have candy on me because my sugar drops after working out, she was with me one time while I was having one and I offered her one out of politeness, she started asking for it on her own and it became a thing.


Gantz-man91 t1_jdqt99m wrote

Here's a thought. Cut out the candy entirely


[deleted] t1_jdq6ei2 wrote



NotSoMuch_IntoThis OP t1_jdq7wux wrote

I understand why someone would think that but it's not one sided and this short post about one incident doesn't relay everything about our interactions. And if it'll help ease your mind, she asks about her candy when I don't initiate it and the little game was her idea.


coupdeforce t1_jdp6c51 wrote

Unless you already know she's autistic and non-verbal or something like that, there is something wrong with that girl that is not your fault at all. Anyone else would just laugh about it and not take it personally or think it was intentional at all in the first place.
