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BlankMyName t1_jdqsyz0 wrote

Mia seems toxic. Cut her out for your own health and happiness.


I_D56 t1_jdr0msk wrote

Lemme get a bday gift for the bitch who's toyed with my emotions for the better part of a decade 🤡


webkinzgirl06 t1_jdr8dhl wrote

And then go stay at her place for a whole weekend? And hide it from the new gf 🙃🙃


rexchriss t1_jdreir3 wrote

I didn’t hide it


webkinzgirl06 t1_jdrfdgt wrote

Sure you did. You stayed the weekend, then "once your gf found out" as in, after the fact because you kept it from her


No_Love_1353 t1_jdrfqot wrote

As opposed to, “Hey babe, I’m gonna stay at Mia’s for the weekend, can you water the plants?”


rexchriss t1_jdrfje4 wrote

She knew I was staying there but that was before I told her the history between us


GamerGrunt t1_jdqx9g6 wrote

Why do you give a single fuck about what Mia wants at this point?


GMask402 t1_jdr49ea wrote

I'm just here for the bloodbath of OP getting torn apart in the comments


TamakisBelly t1_jducyhj wrote

You're still into her and your girlfriend is right to be honest. Such boundaries should be established and respected. Honestly, with the way you describe that Mia person, you're still infatuated over someone who shouldn't be your friend at all over what she did.

There's forgiveness and moving on and then there's this.


PickleCreative5808 t1_jdw25zc wrote

I know Mia’s important to you, but you don’t owe her anything. She’s mistreated you to the point where you’re better off not even being friends. Friends shouldn’t be jealous of girlfriends; sounds like she’s just being territorial for selfish reasons. Do what’s best for yourself and cut her off.