Submitted by lol3382 t3_125zg08 in tifu

After finishing my work, I had some free time and decided to kill time by playing chess. I find a game and my opponent starts rolling me over. I was joking around in chat and started typing things like "please have mercy" and "draw pls". My opponent had about 100 more rating than me and even a draw would give me +2 rating. Well, as I was typing my brain cells turn off and I start typing the following:

Me: "mercy"

Me: "pls"

Me: "I am american"

Me: "I have gun"

Opponent: "xD"

I request a draw offer and to my surprise, he accepts! I thank him for the free +2 rating and happily go along to my next class.

The period starts and I start doing my work again, until my teacher calls me saying that the principal wants to meet with me. At first, I am confused, but I think: "Oh shoot! I forgot a meeting with a teacher!" So I to his office thinking he would tell me to meet the teacher, but I am told to sit down.

At this point, I'm spooked, confused, and sweating. I look at the principal's face and I know I'm in trouble. He start talking to me and asks if I have played chess in class or lunch. I think, "Everyone else plays games on their school laptop too, but why am I being called down?" Until he asks, "Is there a chat or something in the game?"

Oh ho ho ho ho! Now I know I'm fucked. I tell him yes and immediately apologize. I'm light headed, sweating, dizzy, and my life is going to end. He asks if I really have a gun, and I reply by saying I don't, of course. It was only a joke and didn't mean any harm. The principal starts talking to me about how when a word like "gun", "bomb", and "drugs" is used, a screenshot goes out the the superintendent, security, principal, etc. he has to call the student down to clear things up. I profusely apologize and tell him it was a joke.

By now I'm thinking that he is buying time for cops to come and arrest me and calling my parents, but thank God that wasn't what he was doing. He simply tells me not to do that again, and let's me go with a warning. Thinking now, I can imagine how much the situation might have escalated and how lucky I was.

Once again, you can call me stupid. I know.

At least I got my +2 :)

TLDR: I threatened a chess demon by saying I am an American with a gun, proceeded to get called to the principal's office where I thought I would get my ass whooped.



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RandoCalrissian11 t1_je6xx47 wrote

Luckily they handled it like they should; verify, find no actual threat, and move on as if nothing happened.

Good on you.


Flossthief t1_je7fc91 wrote


I had a girl start a rumor that I said some school shooter shit and they called my parents and inquired about guns in the house

Kids are such assholes


[deleted] t1_jefmwn8 wrote



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Head-Investment-8462 t1_je6pw9r wrote

Probably not the best choice considering what happened yesterday 😬


[deleted] t1_jed09gh wrote



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Holeinone7614 t1_je77f2s wrote

What did they verify? They took his word he has no gun and has no intention of killing 20 people over sucking at chess.


pdxscout t1_je72wqu wrote

Whelp, you're definitely on a list now. I'd keep my nose clean for the duration of school if I were you.


tebla t1_je6t0f7 wrote

wait, how did they find out? Does your laptop have a keylogger?


lol3382 OP t1_je6t6fr wrote

Yes. The laptop has a keylogger. I knew this information before I typed what I did, but as you can clearly see, I'm stupid


WPBDoc t1_je74vdi wrote

You're not stupid. (Maybe a little unaware.) You're a kid. We all say things without thinking through all the ramifications. Relax. Guns aren't evil until they are in the hands of evil people. You learned from this -- don't let it mess with your head. You have the right to free speech and you have the right to make mistakes and you have the right to clarify yourself. You did all three! FTR, I used to be a school principal. He was just doing his job. He probably forgot about it in about 2 seconds after you left the office.


lol3382 OP t1_je7ize9 wrote

Than you, I was really uncomfortable seeing the principal while walking through the hallway because I thought he would still be unsure. It's helpful to hear that I won't be giving him a core memory lol