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WPBDoc t1_je74vdi wrote

Reply to comment by lol3382 in TIFU by 'having a gun' by lol3382

You're not stupid. (Maybe a little unaware.) You're a kid. We all say things without thinking through all the ramifications. Relax. Guns aren't evil until they are in the hands of evil people. You learned from this -- don't let it mess with your head. You have the right to free speech and you have the right to make mistakes and you have the right to clarify yourself. You did all three! FTR, I used to be a school principal. He was just doing his job. He probably forgot about it in about 2 seconds after you left the office.


lol3382 OP t1_je7ize9 wrote

Than you, I was really uncomfortable seeing the principal while walking through the hallway because I thought he would still be unsure. It's helpful to hear that I won't be giving him a core memory lol