Submitted by Playful-Fox8454 t3_123hsun in tifu

My friend decided to rerun for a position in a uni society, and they looked really forward to winning it.

I had genuine belief that they could be a good member for this society, but also didn't want to ignore other possible candidates. So when it came to it, I was torn between them and someone that seemed pretty suited for the role as well.

In the end, I ended up voting for the other candidate instead. This actually caused a tiebreaker between the two.

Even though I voted my friend in round 2, they would go on to lose. Later, I would try help them by listening to them vent their frustrations, but later, I decided I wanted to be honest about how I fucked their odds of winning. They told me they don't want to talk or see me again.

Maybe me trying to pick objectively was a good move, but they were a good candidate themselves. If I had voted, they would've won, no tiebreaker. If I had waited a long time to come clean, maybe they would've taken it better.

But I didn't want to lie to my friend. Now they may not be my friend, and it tears me apart.


TL;DR I came clean to my friend about letting them down in the votes, and it's made them cut ties instantly.



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ChaCha_real_smooth t1_jdunzga wrote

You have broken the bro code. Your homie was well suited for the position and you knowingly screwed him over. Honestly you're a terrible "friend"


jrprov1 t1_jduwvnf wrote

Who wants a friend that does not have your back? I do not blame your friend for realizing that and cutting ties with you.


gissaboi t1_jdunk7k wrote

U should have voted on your friend my guy, how could u call yourself a friend and not believe in him. Even if the other might be better its your friend and u dont just not support your friend. Was a dick move on your part and u kinda got what u deserved.


HibachiFlamethrower t1_jdwjnp0 wrote

Why didn’t you vote for your friend? Why did you vote for the other person?


Playful-Fox8454 OP t1_jdz68d1 wrote

I wanted to vote objectively, so I chose who I just thought was logically best.

Obviously that wasn't the best.


HibachiFlamethrower t1_jdzw45w wrote

I guess what I meant is, why do you think this other person was a better choice than your friend? What did your friend lack in your eyes?


Playful-Fox8454 OP t1_je03m9r wrote

Confidence and assurance during his speech


HibachiFlamethrower t1_je0e5jb wrote

Lmao what? I’m pretty sure the rolls of this position aren’t about giving speeches. I’d stop talking to you too if that’s why you didn’t vote for me.


Globgobgalob t1_jdwqatf wrote

If you voted objectively then that's a good thing. Your friend can be upset bc they're hurt but you did something right.


ChaCha_real_smooth t1_jdx90rm wrote

Both him and the other guy were there, which means he was also elligible for the position. This is an unforgivable breach of the bro code and you shouldn't encourage it


Globgobgalob t1_jdxayqn wrote

You choose someone based on their skills not because you hang out with them. The other seemed to be slightly better than OP's friend and in competitions a slight difference has always a huge impact. I wouldn't encourage nepotism.


ChaCha_real_smooth t1_jdzoeb8 wrote

It was a uni society. Obviously you'd pick your friend over someone slightly better. I would encourage being a good friend


Globgobgalob t1_jdzp3ke wrote

My friends are mature enough to understand why I would choose someone more competent than them. Being a good friend would be to tell them straight away the reasons so they can improve.