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blagsan82 t1_iqlsryv wrote

And this whole time you didn't think of adjusting it up to your waistband to hide it? Before you stood up to walk to the casket.


[deleted] OP t1_iqltbll wrote



MyWifeDontKnowItsMe t1_iqlv3x4 wrote

>refused to bend away from being horizontal

The fuck kind of erections are you getting?


Mediocre-Employee-73 t1_iqlxxi6 wrote

Ones that don't reach the waistband.


eatenbyalion t1_iqm292u wrote

Or the ones so strong they pop their head over for a look around.


Chipneck t1_iqm664b wrote

Hate when that happens, even moreso when it forces the waistband all the way down, below the shaft.


sanne2 t1_iqmbj0i wrote

Wait you guys can bend your erect penises?? mine never ever bends is there something wrong with me lmao


prob_wont_respond t1_iqmbx10 wrote

What? The whole thing, towards the waistband. This isn't odd, like, fire normal sex needs. what if the girl on you leaned forward?


Malak77 t1_iqmd7hq wrote

They are naturally at some kind of angle, which can vary. I guess some guys are more horizontal, but a 45 angle or less is most common.


chahoua t1_iqmfzyf wrote

Well not really bend in the middle but you should be able to pull the entire thing in so it lays up against your body.

When you're having missionary sex your dick is basically in this position too. It's not standing straight out from your body.


sanne2 t1_iqmj94c wrote

i can just slightly bend it but i never could lay it on my body when its erect, maybe i should see a doctor lol


NeedNameGenerator t1_iqms83v wrote

Wait what?

I can move mine around like a joystick. Left, right, up, down... Even northwest if I'm feeling wild.

It doesn't bend the penis at all, simply chooses a direction it points to.