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AnaalPusBakje t1_ir0fba6 wrote

>It took me a long time to learn to say sorry when I didn't feel it was my fault.

that is what we call empathy, being able to look at something from someone else's point of view.


4_Legged_Duck t1_ir0p0yz wrote

I'm going to push back. I don't think what this user is saying is empathy.

Empathy is, sure, when you can see something from someone else's point of view, understand their experience, etc. Absolutely.

That is not what this user is saying. Regardless of how the other person feels, apologizing can be a way to save a connection. Regardless of why they're hurt, if you see it from their point of view or not.

It's about setting aside your ego and pride and choosing the other person. It's humility.