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alchmst1259 t1_ir6eixu wrote

People don't get "used up." That's some fucking biblical era logic. If anything they gain experience and level up


Valuable-Island3015 t1_ir6ep3i wrote

If you like women with high body counts then that’s your thing lol. Not everyone’s cup of tea


alchmst1259 t1_ir6fahd wrote

That's not what I said. What I said is a woman's value doesn't diminish based on the number of partners she's had. That's ingrained misogyny speaking.


Valuable-Island3015 t1_ir6fkht wrote

In your opinion. Everyone has different values/belief systems.


alchmst1259 t1_ir6fp1x wrote

Yeah and any belief system that treats women as being worth less because they've had sex is a misogynistic one.

Edit to add: this should go without saying but a woman's value has ZERO percent to do with their vagina