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rabbitt-we OP t1_irm2pih wrote

Hellooo everyone! Welcome to tifu. For episode 68** we’ll be playing a game of truth or truth but if you have a fuck up you’d like to share please do! Just make sure it’s not too long 😊 Rules are simple, we’re playing truth or dare without the dare

  • make sure you direct the question you have to one person on the panel to avoid people talking over one another
  • Don’t criminalise yourself
  • If people listening have a question they’d like to share please do! Reply to this comment.

I_Fuckin_Love_Reeses t1_irm3fj0 wrote

One question: wanna truth or truth


rabbitt-we OP t1_irm3quy wrote

Yea you got a question 👀


I_Fuckin_Love_Reeses t1_irm4wat wrote

So you've chosen truth!

What is the most dangerous thing you have done?


rabbitt-we OP t1_irm5d9v wrote

I’ve lived a very sweet little nerfy sheltered life haha

My most dangerous experience was probably almost fainting whilst scuba diving

Your turn; what’s something you’re glad your parents don’t know about you?


I_Fuckin_Love_Reeses t1_irm5wn5 wrote

Well honestly I was a good boy and there aren't many things that my parents didn't know about me.

But if I had to pick anything that my parents didn't know about me - as a teenager I bought some sex toys and hide those behind my bed gif


PRX_1965 t1_irm3zfg wrote

To u/rabbitt-we What’s the worst thing you did while high?


rabbitt-we OP t1_irm44il wrote

What’s your biggest regret?


PRX_1965 t1_irm4jg0 wrote

Not treating some problems I have on early


rabbitt-we OP t1_irm6u5d wrote

What kind of problems?


PRX_1965 t1_irm76dp wrote

Severe depression/anxiety (currently working on going to therapy and smoking weed helps a ton) not using glasses last week went to the optometrist and they told me I have vision of a 45yr old (im 18) I messed up my back when weight lifting and it’s pretty much healed now but sometimes I get really bad pains.


rabbitt-we OP t1_irmdhgw wrote

The one thing that helped me with my depression and anxiety was yoga - try to do some at home, it changed my life. If you want I can dm you some of my fav videos, all you need is a Matt 🥰


PRX_1965 t1_irmelcx wrote

I’ve tried it, honestly I like it but I can’t. I gained a lot of weight thru 2020 and I can’t do much stuff now but I’m working on it and hopefully by next year I can go trail walking/running since I’m going back to the US


[deleted] t1_irmg1mn wrote



PRX_1965 t1_irmgd22 wrote

Like self harm? If it’s that then I used to cut myself but I’ve worked that thru and for some time I would weight lift mostly for the soreness later the I would focus on the pain (also not healthy) now I just get really intrusive thoughts like I wanna cut myself again but I would just smoke a bit and play video games until i can talk to someone. Over the past 4 years I’ve made a lot of progress but I still have more work to do on myself.


rabbitt-we OP t1_irm43w2 wrote

I drove on an edible once - big mistake 😂


JustAnotherCoolDude t1_irm4d41 wrote

I have a question for galaxyfrapp: Which movie is your guilty pleasure? The one you cry to every time you watch, but you watch nevertheless.


PRX_1965 t1_irm6nzv wrote

I have a question for whomever wants to answer. What’s your worst fear? (Example: I’m afraid of falling or drowning)


xthatxgirlx t1_irm6r0a wrote

The dark. Heights. Traffic. ....shit tons of things


PRX_1965 t1_irm6w10 wrote

Ufff traffic, I know how to drive but I can’t with traffic I just get really high anxiety to the point I’ve had attacks because I’ve seen so many accidents and also was really close to a lot of them.