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rabbitt-we OP t1_irm2pih wrote

Hellooo everyone! Welcome to tifu. For episode 68** we’ll be playing a game of truth or truth but if you have a fuck up you’d like to share please do! Just make sure it’s not too long 😊 Rules are simple, we’re playing truth or dare without the dare

  • make sure you direct the question you have to one person on the panel to avoid people talking over one another
  • Don’t criminalise yourself
  • If people listening have a question they’d like to share please do! Reply to this comment.

CanidWolf t1_irm2sco wrote

Yes Kostis can hear you!


PRX_1965 t1_irm36gs wrote

I had edibles last night!! And I fell asleep


nonrrous t1_irm3rdm wrote

When you enter a group and notice it broke the threshold of the meaning TIFU.


xthatxgirlx t1_irm418x wrote

Tifu by misunderstanding the directions given to me and possibly fucking everything up worse by not having any technical skills. Let's gooooo


Afrojones66 t1_irm4mf8 wrote

Oh this is dope.It’s like an interactive podcast.


zuzustar t1_irm4o26 wrote

Yes, we can hear you.


Xaxxed t1_irm566n wrote

An embarrassing/unusual ritual or tradition you still do, e.g. not walking on cracks in the pavement?


canze t1_irm5b79 wrote



rabbitt-we OP t1_irm5d9v wrote

I’ve lived a very sweet little nerfy sheltered life haha

My most dangerous experience was probably almost fainting whilst scuba diving

Your turn; what’s something you’re glad your parents don’t know about you?


rabbitt-we OP t1_irm5h44 wrote

I can never have my shoes flipped up on the floor because I was told it’s disrespectful to Jesus. I’m an atheist now but still make sure they’re flipped right.


Umgmchd t1_irm5jah wrote

The Persian song I was talking about is called "Behet Ghol Midam" if anyone wants to listen to it. It's beautiful.


I_Fuckin_Love_Reeses t1_irm5wn5 wrote

Well honestly I was a good boy and there aren't many things that my parents didn't know about me.

But if I had to pick anything that my parents didn't know about me - as a teenager I bought some sex toys and hide those behind my bed gif


dkeos t1_irm698i wrote

Bros winded from talkin😭


PRX_1965 t1_irm6w10 wrote

Ufff traffic, I know how to drive but I can’t with traffic I just get really high anxiety to the point I’ve had attacks because I’ve seen so many accidents and also was really close to a lot of them.


PRX_1965 t1_irm76dp wrote

Severe depression/anxiety (currently working on going to therapy and smoking weed helps a ton) not using glasses last week went to the optometrist and they told me I have vision of a 45yr old (im 18) I messed up my back when weight lifting and it’s pretty much healed now but sometimes I get really bad pains.


HulkPower t1_irm7tgj wrote

Daddy's what now? During the Irish troubles?


PRX_1965 t1_irm9fmf wrote

It’s 6 am but I love this!!!


omoriboy68 t1_irm9hrd wrote

Today i fucked up by spilling water,fell on my hand


tifu-ModTeam t1_irm9n6z wrote

Thank you for submitting to /r/tifu. Your submission has been removed because it violates one or more of our rules, which are located in the sidebar.

>* RULE 4:

Overly Vulgar, Illegal advice

A. Overly vulgar includes obscene situations, such as, but not limited to, incest, minors, death and assault to humans and animals. Consensual situations between two, unrelated adults should be fine. Vulgar does not mean using bad words.

B.. Illegal activities that you glorify or giving advice on how to do something illegal.

^Refer ^to ^our ^detailed ^rules, ^our ^suggested ^subreddits ^& ^list ^of ^common ^fuck ^ups ^before ^sending ^us ^a ^message. ^Questions ^already ^answered ^in ^these ^links ^will ^not ^be ^answered ^if ^you ^message ^us.

^If ^you ^have ^any ^questions, ^you ^can ^message ^the ^mod ^team ^using ^the ^link ^in ^the ^sidebar. ^Replies ^to ^this ^removal ^comment ^may ^not ^be ^answered.

^(Reposting a removed post without express moderator approval will result in a ban.)


idementedemily t1_irma9a6 wrote

Thats fun, imma be going into the military lol.


BOSSBABY33 t1_irmb684 wrote

I will be here for 69th reddit talk



schwarzhexe t1_irmbbe1 wrote

omg it feels so long ago since the last talk!


itachiuchiha1237 t1_irmbvaf wrote

gays im homophobic i wanna change my minf can u help me?


Excxstacy t1_irmdatb wrote

Yeah, people were paying mortgages in China on houses they haven’t built yet. But you could only do that if the company bought the land


rabbitt-we OP t1_irmdhgw wrote

The one thing that helped me with my depression and anxiety was yoga - try to do some at home, it changed my life. If you want I can dm you some of my fav videos, all you need is a Matt 🥰


rabbitt-we OP t1_irmdlb1 wrote

“China's record number of vacant houses and urban projects, sitting at over 50 million units and growing, are an increasingly worrying domestic challenge. Known as “ghost cities,” these developments have created a housing bubble representative of decades of Chinese progress — but also turmoil.”


kirk86 t1_irme6zx wrote

There's still plenty of racism in Greece!


PRX_1965 t1_irmelcx wrote

I’ve tried it, honestly I like it but I can’t. I gained a lot of weight thru 2020 and I can’t do much stuff now but I’m working on it and hopefully by next year I can go trail walking/running since I’m going back to the US


PRX_1965 t1_irmgd22 wrote

Like self harm? If it’s that then I used to cut myself but I’ve worked that thru and for some time I would weight lift mostly for the soreness later the I would focus on the pain (also not healthy) now I just get really intrusive thoughts like I wanna cut myself again but I would just smoke a bit and play video games until i can talk to someone. Over the past 4 years I’ve made a lot of progress but I still have more work to do on myself.


JC1812 t1_irmgwbo wrote

FYI: This is Episode 68.


nrv_v t1_irmh5hj wrote

A bump of caffeine


codmak42 t1_irmi4rm wrote

Nastiest food ever is sea urchin


IAintYourPalFriend t1_irmkvnf wrote

Just got served divorce papers for my SECOND divorce before turning 35. First one I was an idiot, got married too young. Got my girlfriend of 6 months pregnant and asked her to marry me because I thought that was the right thing to do, she miscarried, and then I didn’t call it off because we were bonding through grief. Now this second marriage - she had dumped me twice because she “wasn’t happy”, but the second time she came back and begged for me to take her back, which I did. We got married 1 year later to the date (because August 15th was a “special date” for us). So TIFU by breaking my rule of taking someone back who dumps me, and getting divorced a second time as a result…


nycmaturechick t1_irml1hu wrote

There is a vaccine for shingles called shingrix👩🏾‍💻


IAintYourPalFriend t1_irmlg4r wrote

You know, I’ve gotten a lot of advice over the last week or so as this has been going through, and “don’t let this define you” hit me the hardest and I think is the truest and best advice I’ve gotten. Thank you, and I really mean that.


JC1812 t1_irmnp5w wrote

Go to your local pharmacy. Pursuant to standards set by the US Health and Human Services, they should be covered under your insurance as a preventative at no cost to the insured.


LexanderO t1_irmqhz7 wrote

Now, that's a wholesome story!


MoonShibe23 t1_irmr3jf wrote

i am trying to raise my hand but it says that i haven’t have karma ? i have 20k karma


britgun t1_irms5sq wrote

We are all humans and deserve grace ❤️


puccipalace t1_irmunpo wrote

lmao. I used to play the fart game with my cousins.


xenoneye t1_irmvdou wrote

Twefu by describing cheap thrills to teens.


HawkNeither t1_irmwp5v wrote

I don’t know you all but love you!